Missing Heart- Chapter Thirty-Eight

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Chapter Thirty-eight

    Derrick waited physically waiting patiently for the convoy to drive down the grave road of the mansion. Inside he was nervous as all hell. He felt like any minute he was about to bounce off the stone steps with delight. She would be back and with many gifts from what his assistants had informed him. He was torn between seeing her and the gowns gifted to her. Mostly he wanted to see Diana. He had missed her presence so much.

    He had sometime trying to calm down everyone when the news came as to Mare’s true identity. Most exclaimed loudly that they should have known. They looked back to Lord VonChante’s behavior and should have made the connection. Especially when they saw him kissing his mistress.

    He had been bombarded with questions. Most wanted to know if he knew. He had told them yes. Only a few had become furious with him for not telling them, though those few have cooled down now. He still has to sooth people thinking they will have to act differently around her. He told them they just have to treat her mostly the same. They could still gossip with her if she asks them to. That there was no difference between Mare and Diana.

    Finally he saw the caravan in sight. He rocked back and forth on his heels as he barked orders with excitement to have them home. Everyone scurried into place as the limo made its turn around the fountain in front of the main entrance. Everyone settled and straightened themselves as the limo came to a stop in front of them.

    Derrick became confused as no one got out. The driver did not move to exit the vehicle, but neither did the passengers. Everyone looked to him as they too became confused by this. No one knowing what they should do.

    After a few minutes passed, he ventured to the back door of the limo and leaned his ear to the door. Maybe they were redressing. Maybe he would hear snickering because they had a quickie before they got home. Like hell would he interrupt them if they were trying to dress.

    But he heard nothing.

    He took a chance and opened the door to check inside. First thing he noticed was the little black kitten draped along the back seat of the limo. Out cold. Then his eyes ventured to the pure white kitten draped awkwardly over Lord Marcus’ hip.

    “Wait...something’s wrong.” He breathed to himself as his eyes roamed over the area. “NO!” His whisper shrieked as he realized what was wrong. DIANA! She’s missing.

    Derrick fell backwards as he makes the realization. He took two deep breathes before rushing over to the driver’s passenger door. He flung it open to ask what the hell happened. He wanted answers.

    But what he found shocked him more. The drive was haloed! And the transmitter band was on the floor smashed. There was no way to free him. He was stuck like that until Duke Shaw could fix him.

    He ran over to the SUV full of guards who were exiting the vehicle puzzled by Derrick’s actions. “Where is SHE?!?” He demanded as he pushed one of the guards against the vehicle. The guards looked shocked.

    “What do you mean? She went in the limo with Lord VonChante just before sunrise.”

    “She’s not there now, and his lordship is out cold.”

    In a flash servants and guards raced the the limo to find that it was true. Diana was gone. Derrick started to bark orders in a fury as everyone scrambled to do as told. The drivers of the other vehicles were questioned. Lord VonChante was carried to his chambers till what knocked him out wore off. The kittens were taken to Diana’s chambers and looked at by a vet. Maps were reviewed and the travel route was evaluated.

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