Missing Heart- Chapter Nine

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Chapter Nine

    Music swirled around them as Lord Marcus VonChante escorted his mistress Mare to the grand ballroom. He had his halo transmitter band in place to make sure she did everything he asked of her. He wasn’t going to be made a fool of in front of everyone.

    When they entered the ballroom, everyone stopped what they were doing and bowed. They bowed not to her, but him. All the women frowned at the beauty on his arm, but smirked to see she was haloed to him. He cared nothing for her if she was haloed. Their hope wasn’t completely crushed. Their figured when he tires of her, they could go back to trying to win his favor. None has succeeded but they could always dream.

    For hours, Marcus would talk with his two friends while commanding Mare to fetch them drinks or snacks. She has to do as he commanded because of the halo. She really wanted the inventor to rot in hell for this machine. Her feet started to feel sore from walking back and forth, but she couldn’t complain. The halo wouldn’t let her. She just had to take it.

    “So Lord Marcus, have you found any special talent with this little gift of yours?” Duke Shaw asked looking amused. He knew Marcus would just leave her in her room and not need of her till he needed relief.

    Marcus huffed. “I haven’t even bothered to try to find out. I really could care less if she was talented.”

    “Why don’t you get her to entertain us all? A song perhaps?” Count Notre asked in hopes that Marcus would give in. To his delight Marcus did give in to the request. Its one of the few times Marcus would do anything like this.

    Marcus turned to Mare who stood with her hands together in front of her and her head bowed with her eyes on the floor. She was being a proper submissive waiting for her next order. “Sing us a song.”

    “Which song my lord?” She asked shyly. She only knew one song, but didn’t want to tell him that. She never has sung that song out loud. She just hears it in the back of her mind.

    He waved his hand. “I don’t care. Any song.”

    Mare sighed and took a breathe as Marcus rolled his eyes and turned back to his friends. Slowly a magically beautiful voice caught his ears but he didn’t turn. He wasn’t paying attention to the words. Thought nothing of them, but he did like the sound of her voice.

    Suddenly his breathe caught when he did hear the words. No. Not that song. He turned sharply back to her with his nostrils flared in anger. Eyes of daggers. When he saw her though, his anger receded just a hair. Tears streamed down her cheeks as she sang. It was paining her to sing this song none should know but him.

    He advanced two steps to find another scent in the air. Blood. Mare’s blood was in the air. He opened his eyes more and saw her body trembling from tiny tremors, but it wasn’t interfering in her singing. Something was wrong with her. She needed to stop singing.

    “Stop singing.” He commanded, but she didn’t, couldn’t. He saw in her eyes that she was pleading for it to stop. For the pain to go away. She was stuck singing his song.

    A hiss came from beside him, and he turned to see several guests looking at Mare with thirst in their eyes.  Others had hands over their mouths watching in silent horror of witnessing Mare’s pain. The one’s with the look of thirst had their fangs extended at the scent of blood in the air. This was not good. Not good at all.

    Marcus turned back to see the tremors were stronger. He took another step but had to quickly get to Mare’s side as her eyes rolled back in her head and she fell as the song was cut off in the middle. The word friend was the last word she spoke before she fell.

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