Missing Heart- Chapter Thirteen

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Chapter Thirteen

    Marcus didn’t venture to Mare’s room. He left her alone as he felt she was trying to mend. He found out she didn’t leave, but was recovering. Derrick had been in and out of her room helping her. Marcus just played like he didn’t care like always, but he longed to see her for himself.

    His dream one night two days after he returned home was strange. His Diana was in it, she seemed to he talking to him in their wildflower field. Her lavender dress flowing in the slight breeze. She had her hands on her hips. He smiled up at her where he laid down with his hands behind his head.

    “You know we are linked. Bound by our pact.”

    “Of course my beloved. We each are our one and only. No one else is ever getting to be in my heart.”

    “Marcus! You’re not looking!” She scolded him. She never scolds him in his dream. “I’m right here and you don’t even see!”

    “But I see you love.” He held his hand out to see her shimmer and ripple as if she were water. She was a ghost. No longer living. There was no other way he could see her.

    Diana shakes her head. “Not in this dream...”

    “AHHH!!!” Mare’s voice echoed around his room jolting him from his sleep. He sat up straight looking wide eyed. His nonexistent heart beat hard between the dream and the scream.

    The scream came again and he heard rushing outside his door. He swiftly got out of his bed and threw his robe on as he left his room.

    At the end of the hall where Mare’s room was, Marcus saw servants and guards looking horrified at her room with the door wide open. He scowled at them as he stomped down the hall.

    As soon as people saw him they bowed and made a path for him. He stopped before her door and looked at everyone. “You all are just going to stand here and not help her. Wake her!”

    “They are trying but can’t my lord. She’s trapped in another memory. The doctor and master Derrick have been trying to snap her out of it for ten minutes now, but she just keeps getting louder.” One guard said with a bowed head in shame and defeat.

    “MARS!!! AHH!!!!” Marcus’ eyes shot wide opened. Everyone around him saw for the first time shock in his face and eyes. His heart clenched. No. It couldn’t be! Tha'ts not possible.

    Marcus slowly turned to her door and dragged his feet and his body into the room. There was no way. He stared at the bed and flinched when she screamed again. The sound spiking through his chest into his cold, hardened heart.

    Mare’s knuckles were white were her hands held her bedding. Her back arched as if her back blazed. Her head thrashed back and forth to invisible horror. She was trapped in some memory that was paining her to relive. Derrick and the doctor were by her bed holding her hands and arms trying to coach her out of the memory to no avail.

    “Mars!!!” The sound of her voice was like she was lifting something. The exhaustion and exertion was thick in her voice. The strain had Marcus wishing he was there were her memory was to help her.

    Mare was...is...Diana! She was only one to know that nickname for him. She was the only one to call him that. She had told him that mars was her favorite planet and he was like the great red planet. Don’t ask him the logic in her thinking. To this day he was still trying to figure out that puzzle of her mind.

    Marcus moved to the bed looking at her with new sight. His eyes having been open to what was real now. “Move away from her.” He commanded. His voice carrying the awe that his face and eyes held. All in the room gave them.

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