Missing Heart- Chapter Forty-One

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Chapter Forty-one

    Gwenith was getting bored. The night had come and half the men were outside standing guard. The ones that remained inside had become used to the smell of blood in the air. That was no fair to Gwenith.

    Even Diana had shut up about an hour ago. Gwenith couldn’t think of what to do next. Everything that came to mind, she had done too many times before. She wanted something new. Something special for this little nothing.

    Suddenly she heard the quick pop and a few bangs against the walls of the warehouse. Gwenith jumped up and scrunched up her forehead. The men inside moved to defend her if they needed to.

    Gwenith moved to Diana and held a knife to her throat when she heard more commotion outside. Thuds and heavy bangs hitting the side of the warehouse. Their little hideout had been discovered somehow.

    Diana opened her eyes and saw Gwenith’s arms around her and a knife at her throat. Slowly she heard the beat of Gwenith’s pulse through her skin. Saw the movement of blood in that arm. Diana had to set her jaw in order not to act on her hunger. But it was hard. So hard not to open her mouth and bite down.

    The large doors at the entrance of the warehouse burst open and flashlights shown in with men all in black advancing in. Gwenith swallowed hard looking wide eyed at the three men not holding flashlights to their weapons. She shook a bit at the sight before her.

    His majesty the KING! Lord Manier. And finally Lord VonChante all walking casually as the ones around them trained their sights on the ten men around Gwenith and Diana. They each showed that they had been fighting as they walked with determination on their steps. Their eyes shown fury and lust for blood as their eyes fell on her.

    Diana’s eyes still looked at Gwenith’s arm. Her resolve not to bite was waning. She could hear something going on, but her concentration was solely on that arm. Her lower lip was quaking with want. The need for blood pulsed through her so heavily.

    Gwenith’s men took stance knowing they wouldn’t dare try anything and risk the life of the fragile woman they had captured. The guards just spread out around the group and trained on one person to take down if they needed to. They were skilled for this. They knew they wouldn’t harm Lady Diana at all.

    “SHE...” Gwenith jerked Diana as she started to speak. “Isn’t worth anything. Yet you come just for her in force.” She spat the words with distain.

    Marcus growled vibrating the air and the walls of the warehouse. “She is my fiancee! She is worth everything!!” His voice boomed even louder. His fury seeped into ever word he spoke.

    Gwenith snarled. “She does not bear your ring!” She looked up for a second to confirm her statement before she smirked back at Marcus. She was right. Diana didn’t bare any ring on that most important finger for such a claim. Her eyes never catching the light indentation of where the ring had sat for just over a week.

    Diana couldn’t stop herself now. She HAD to bite. She ignored the knife at her throat to clamp down on Gwenith’s arm. Gwenith screamed and thrashed against Diana’s iron grip. The one thing Diana was able to do was NOT drink. She just wanted to bite. She had enough sense of herself not to take the snake’s blood into her. She didn’t want to be sullied by this demoness masquerading as a lady of the vampyric world.

    Everything became chaotic as Gwenith’s men snapped their heads around at her screams and the royal guards took their shots. The men went down quickly and without anymore trouble. Marcus and the other two rushed forward. Lord Manier pulled Gwenith away and held her down. His majesty and Marcus went to Diana. Marcus lifted her up and his highness unbound her arms.

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