Missing Heart- Chapter Nineteen

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Chapter Nineteen

    Mare woke and the first thing that her eyes saw was a crystal goblet with wildflowers springing out. Mare lifted up and touched them as she realized she was in her room. She looked down and she was still in Lord Marcus’ shirt. She pulled the collar up and smell. His amazing scent was on it.

    “Oh...Ah...humph.” Mare looked up to see Derrick on the floor and a few papers spread around. It was just too funny not to laugh at. “Oh yes. This is very hilarious. Me falling off my chair.”

    “I’m sorry...” Snicker. “I never knew vampyres could fall on their butts from surprise.”

    “Well...” Derrick got up and wiped his butt off. “Wake when they don’t hear you and get them distracted can cause anyone to fall to the floor.”

    Mare looked around. “How did I get here? Last thing I remember was being in the garden and falling asleep.”

    “You know you scared both Lord VonChante and myself by disappearing like that. He found you and brought you here to rest. Interesting outfit choice by the way.”

    “Sorry. I needed time to myself.”

    Derrick came over and sat on the end of her bed. “I understand as does his lordship, but please leave a note next time.” Mare saw the worry that Derrick’s eyes still foretold.

    Mare looked down. “I will if there is a next time. The sun was just so pretty and I missed it. The night is beautiful but its best with a full moon.”

    “I know sweetie. I miss seeing the sun.” Derrick lifted her chin. “Was it a clear sky today?” She smiled sweetly and nodded. “Well... When you go out next, smile up at the sun for me. Enjoy its beauty for the both of us.”

    “I will.” Mare glanced down at herself. “Do you think I could wear this shirt the rest of the night. It’s really comfortable.”

    “Oh honey. It’s not that flattering on you.” Derrick cocked his head. “But...I could work with it. Unfortunately not those shorts. What were you thinking girl?” Mare giggled.

    Mare was only thinking about covering herself up. She wanted to be outside, but didn’t want to be naked. She had worn men’s clothes before and didn’t mind the baggy feel of them. She liked how soft Lord Marcus’ clothes were and the smell of them.

    Derrick jumped up from the side of her bed and went to the wardrobe. He pulled drawers open and then closed them. He slung things over his shoulder. She saw a ruby red lace and beaded top drape over his shoulder. Next she saw a high waist belt with two buckles drape over his other shoulder. He was having fun by the giggles Mare was hearing from Derrick. She loved his girly giggles that he makes some times.

    Derrick looked over his shoulder before he finished. “You should take a shower while I finish figuring out your outfit. And leave the shirt too.” He turned back and Mare got out of bed. She unbuttoned the shirt and placed it on the bed before heading to the bathroom in Lord Marcus’ shorts. She had a sheet draped around her so no one saw anything. Her scars or her half nakedness.

    This is the first time she used the shower. She loved the taupe stonework. The stones were rough on the floor but semi-flat. The same stones crept up the walls and decreased in size as it went. It flowed into the corner were it rose to the ceiling leaving the rest of the wall as normal cream wall.

    She turned on the water and it came out of six different points from the wall. Mare stripped and stepped in nearly moaning at the massaging feel of the shower. She didn’t even think that she had any sore muscles until she remembered falling asleep in the garden. The position must not have been a good one for her back, but this shower was helping with that.

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