Missing Heart- Chapter Fifteen

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Chapter Fifteen

    To Marcus’ shock, his friends had showed up to see how he was doing. He had to discreetly bite the inside of his bottom lip to not grin at their arrival. Don’t want to give away his changed state just yet. Even to his friends.

    “How was you journey Lord Marcus?” Duke Shaw asked lounging on one of the couches in the center of his study. Shaw was always the more relaxed of them all. Rarely a care in the world besides his work.

    Marcus turned to a book shelf looking at the many books he had. “Fruitless.” His usual flat tone took on an irritated tone to it. All he wanted was to be upstairs with his woman.

    “How is your mistress? Recovered?” Shaw would ask because she was a gift from him. He had no idea the perfection of his gift.


    “I bet she is still in her room being ignored by his lordship.” Count Notre said to Shaw.

    “Actually, she is resting.”

    “So you have partaken of her? She must be so worn out.” Shaw joked only to get a glare from Marcus as he looked over his shoulder. Nothing out of the ordinary for Marcus as he’s done it many times before.

    “She is actually recovering from her dream at midday. She woke the entire house with her screams. I managed to pull her out.” Marcus informed his friends as he perused the book in his hand looking like he is searching for something but really he wasn’t. He just wants his friends to think that he is just speaking without care.

    “Another memory?” Notre asked curious.

    “Yes.” Marcus slammed the book closed and put it back on the shelf. He started looking for another book as a cover so he didn’t have to look at his friends. He knew he would break down and grin if he did.

    “I heard something happen whilst you were away.” Marcus clenched the shelf before him. He had fully forgot about that betrayal since last night. Within finding out who she was, he forgot about the guards. “So it’s true!”

    “Yes.” Marcus gritted it out through his teeth feeling the anger anew because they had touched his Diana! Unknowingly raped his beloved. Though there was now pleasure in the memory of slaying those who had touched her in such a way.

    Shaw and Notre looked at each other and then back to Marcus. They had not heard what happened, just that something happened that had everyone in the mansion scared of Marcus’ return. Scared of his wrath.

    “May we ask what happened?”

    Shaw and Notre jumped to their feet when Marcus destroyed a shelf with his bare hands and books came crashing down to Marcus’ feet. They could see all his muscles where bunched and ready to lash out at anything that displeased him. That he was in pain and was barely controlling himself. The old Marcus surfacing.

    Marcus turned to his friends with the same murderous look that he had the night he returned home and had been informed of the betrayal. His scowl had returned in full force. The short lived pleasant Marcus giving way to the ice brute again.

    “Three of my guards had the audacity to force what is mine to please them. They raped her using the halo against her! Those disrespectful, arrogant, selfish bastards shall never step foot in this house again nor be anywhere close to her! This I have made sure of!” His voice roared with his anger making the two shrink away slightly.

    Marcus huffed as he turned back to the shelf feeling his anger loosen. His shoulders slouched as his fist heavily hit the wall between the bookshelves. The ice cracking and chipping away as his fury ebbed.

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