Missing Heart- Chapter Seventeen

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Chapter Seventeen

    Lord Marcus and Mare returned just before dawn. Marcus had to carry her in as Mare was already fallen asleep in the car on the way back from the hospital. He loved hearing the soft breathing as she exhaled against his neck with his beloved in his arms while he held her in the back. The feel was beyond heavenly to him.

    He entered her chambers and found Derrick pacing back and forth, anxious for their return. Derrick’s head snapped to them and sighed with relief. Then Derrick’s eyes saw that she was asleep and knew she must have been exhausted by the hospital and all the tests they put her through.

    Marcus placed her down on on her bed and started to undress her so she slept comfortably. Derrick walked over to her wardrobe and got her nightgown. Together, she was changed and tucked in.

    “Thank you.” Marcus said as he kissed Mare’s forehead and she moved closer to him.

    “It’s still strange to hear you say that my lord.”

    Marcus turned to Derrick who was waiting next to the door to the hall. “Do you wish for me to stop to speak my gratitude?” Marcus raised an eyebrow.

    “No my lord. Ever since I have been turned, I have always known you as a...”

    “Cold unfeeling beast?”

    “Not beast, just dead inside. It’s all new to both the doctor and myself.” Derrick looked over to Mare. “When will her tests come back?”

    “Tomorrow evening. The doctor will be informed the second they are done and relay the results to me.” Marcus stroked her hair. “She told me she doesn’t want to know.”

    Marcus kissed her forehead again before rising and reluctantly leaving her. He didn’t want for her to be confused by him sleeping next to her again. He would take it slow for her. Do things for her and wait to see if she accepts him openly and not close up when someone walks in on them like earlier.

    Marcus smiled when he was in his room. She had asked for him in the hospital when she was feeling scared. He held her hand when they had to inject her with the dye. She leaned against his chest holding his hand finding comfort in him. He was happy that she sought him for her safety.

    He even held her hand while they had her in the MRI and for her CAT scan. She was calmer with him next to her though her heart beat was fast. She never did see the technician's eyes when they saw the scarring around her memory. Marcus had to repress swallowing at their wide eyes. He didn’t have a good feeling about what they saw.

    Marcus changed for bed and crawled in. He couldn’t wait till his beloved would be here with him knowing who she was and loving him like he did her. Soon he told himself. Soon she would know who she was and know why he had changed. No longer the short tempered cold-hearted man that he was for ten years, but the love warmed patient man she had turned him back into.

    He fell to sleep picturing her there with him. Snuggled up to his chest. Her head resting on his shoulder. His arms wrapped around her. Both of them drifting to sleep peacefully as he was now.


    Mare woke trembling in the middle of the day. Her chest was tight and her hands shook as she ran them through her hair. She tried but wasn’t managing to catch her breathe as she sat up.

    She needed to go somewhere. Somewhere she felt safe. How much she hates to admit it, but she felt safest with Lord VonChante. He had a strength to him that sheltered her from anything that frightened her.

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