Missing Heart- Chapter Ten

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Chapter Ten

    Mare woke to a throbbing headache. It felt like something ripped part of her head open and poured salt water into the wound. She groaned as she put her hand to her head and buried her face in her pillow. She bit her lip from screaming out.

    “It's alright lovely. The pain will subside shortly.” She took a bit of comfort in Derrick’s voice. She let his soothing strokes of her hair pull the pain away.

    She finally was able to relax and Mare rolled over onto her back with a hand over her eyes. “How mad is he?”

    “Who lovely?” He moved a strand of her hair away from her forehead.

    “Lord VonChante. I ruined his party.”

    “Shh... You didn’t ruin anything and he isn’t mad with you. If anything, he’s upset at himself for making you sing.”

    “I should apologize.” Mare started to get up but Derrick kept her laying down. Mare had no choice to comply because her body felt weak and she wouldn’t be able to get very far. A step at most.

    “You aren’t to go anywhere. And besides, he’s gone. Lord VonChante left when the sun set this evening, so you can’t go apologize for something that was not your fault.” Derrick informed Mare as he fixed the bedding around her. Mare took in this information as her head throbbed moderately.

    Movement caught Mare’s attention and she looked to see the doctor entering her room. “How is my lady doing this early evening?” He asked as he came around to the other side of her bed and sat down looking at her.

    “She’s still in pain.” The doctor nodded knowingly at Derrick’s words and rummaged in his medical bag.

    The doctor looked to Derrick. “Has she eaten yet this evening?”

    “No Doctor. She just woke a few minutes ago.”

    The doctor set a bottle down on a small table next to Mare’s bed before getting up and moving to her dinette set. He came back with her tray of food.

    Derrick helped her to sit up with pillows behind her. Mare gritted her teeth and held her eyes tight while she moved because her head pounded. She tried not to grip Derrick hard when he helped her move into position.

    “Before I can give you any medication, you need to eat my lady.” He turned to Derrick. “You can go and get things done while I’m with her. We both don’t need to be with her.”

    Derrick looked like he was about argue, but Mare laid a hand on his arm and he softened. “I’ll be alright. Go if there are things you need to do. The doctor won’t let me go anywhere.” He smiled sweetly at Mare and kissed her forehead before he left.

    Mare’s hands shook as she tried to eat. It was shaking from the pain she still felt and the weakness of her own body. She did her best to eat. Most of the time she had her eyes closed in order to minimize the pain from her head.

    After she managed to get half her breakfast down, the doctor stopped her. He knew she was finished. He took the tray and sat it on the ground before retrieving the bottle and her glass of water. Mare took her medicine in one gulp.

    After about ten minutes with the medicine in Mare’s system, the doctor started to examine her to see how she was doing. The only thing he found different from before was a blood vein in her right eye had broke, but it was small and not very noticeable. The blood would faint before his lordship was back.

    Mare’s eyes drooped as she couldn’t feel the pain in her head any longer. The doctor helped her to lay down and get comfortable. He knew the medicine made people sleep. She laid on her side as he tucked the sheets in around her.

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