Missing Heart- Chapter Thirty-Six

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Chapter Thirty-six

    The next evening came and Diana felt a little nervous as she ate her breakfast with Marcus. She had woken at the same time as Marcus and felt stronger. They both showered together as they have since they arrived at the palace. Though, recently they have had to because he had to hold her up. Now they could enjoy themselves a bit more, but still hasn’t been intimate as he resists her saying that he wanted to wait longer for her health.

    There was a knock on the door halfway through their breakfast. Marcus excused himself from the table. Diana picked a green grape from the fruit bowl in the center of the table.

    Diana smiled brightly as Lord Manier came in. “Lady Diana. I’m glad to see that the rumors of your recovery are true.” He bowed his head in respect to her.

    “I see your journey back was well Lord Manier. Come join us.” She gestured to a seat next to her for him to use.

    He smiled. “Thank you my lady. Though I am surprised when his majesty said that you wished to see me so soon. I had thought you would want to wait till you have eaten before you wanted to see me.”

    Marcus stood behind his seat and looked to Lord Manier. “Would you like something to eat? I’ll be glad to see to something brought for you.”

    Lord Manier smiled. “That would be quite wonderful Lord VonChante.” Marcus smiled as he tipped his head down slightly and left the two alone. Lord Manier raised an eyebrow. “Is he alright with us being alone?”

    Diana giggled. “Very. He knows I am protected at all times.” As if on que, the kittens jumped on her lap and looked at Lord Manier. “My protectors Night and Snow.”

    Lord Manier bowed his head. “A pleasure to meet you both. I’ve heard of them. About how they saved you from a spider yesterday. I’m glad you have them watching over you.” The kittens sat up straighter and meowed in agreement. He laughed. “They are delightful.”

    “I hope everything was alright.”

    “Yes. Everything is quite fine my dear. My men are searching for them as we speak. They will be apprehended before too long, I assure you.”

    “I am glad it’s nothing too serious.”

    “Nothing for you to worry about.” The King had informed him that she wasn’t informed about the situation. That his company was in the process of tracking Lady Gwenith and her accomplice down wherever they were hiding out. He wasn’t going to tell Diana any of this as only the King had the right to tell her.

    “Have you also heard that his highness unsealed my father’s will?”

    “Yes I have, but nothing that is contained within it has been publicized. Thus I don’t know what is in it. Surely you have been told of it contents.”

    “Only briefly. His majesty as told me whom my guardian was supposed to be in the event of my parents death. I have decided to let them have that honor still if they wish to accept me.”

    “May I be so bold as to ask who has that great honor?”

    Diana smiled at him. “I would think it clear of whom my father trusted me with.”

    He was taken aback. “ME?” He asked unsure. Diana nodded to him. “You would let me be your guardian? Even if you are of age?”

    “Yes. I feel I need a teacher to help me with knowing our world again. His majesty has told me that you have kept up..”

    “While I hadn’t. She would need more help than I can provide.” Marcus had finished for her as he came in with a bit more food. He set the tray down and handed Lord Manier a plate before moving the tea pot closer to Diana with a cup.

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