Missing Heart- Chapter Twenty-Seven

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Chapter Twenty-seven

    Dawn stirred and found herself fully naked with Marcus just as naked. She didn’t mind because she liked the feel of his warm skin pressed against her own. The feel of his arms wrapped around her bare stomach just felt right. She felt like she was home.

    She sighed as she unbound herself from his arms. She felt restless and needed to get up and walk around. She dressed as she knew it was daylight out. Maybe walking around in the garden will help settle her.

    Before she left, she left a note for Marcus telling him to she couldn’t get back to sleep and he could find her on the bridge in the middle of the garden. She had remembered that she promised Derrick that she would leave a note when she went off during the day again. She wasn’t going to have Marcus worry again when he woke to her not next to him. She left the note on the bedside table with his name on the front. Well, his nickname so he knew it was from her.

    She smiled looking back at Marcus one last time before slipping through the door into the suite’s living room. She walked gliding to the doors that led to the hall. She wasn’t going to worry about not being seen. She had nothing to worry about now. She wasn’t confused or scared of what she was feeling. She was herself now.

    Guards stood at attention outside her suite’s door. Not just the day guards of Marcus’, but from the King as well. They bowed to her and the King’s guard walked with her as she started down the hall. These guards were humans as they didn’t walk nearly as graceful as her or a vampire.

    When they reached the doors that led to the garden, one guard jogged forward and bowed as he opened it for her. She bowed her head slightly as she walked passed. She saw him closed his eyes, take a breathe, and shiver as she walked passed. She could feel that it was an innocent movement. He would know better and there wasn’t that dark feeling about him.

    The guards graciously gave her space in the garden to wander as she pleased. She remembered all the times she had walked around when she was little in this garden. Only a few things had changed and evolved over the years. The small pallet of multicolored tulips was replaced by lavender and the red roses were white now. She smiled at the differences.

    The sun started to dip to the horizon when she finally made it to the lake and walked up on the bridge that stretched across it. She had told the guards she would be staying there till her lord showed up. They bowed and left her to her peace as they left to be relieved by their vampire counterparts.

    She leaned on the railing as she smiled at the sun as it set. It was so beautiful. She pictured Marcus beside her watching the sun set with her. She felt his presence even if he wasn’t physically there with her.

    The second the sun went down, the torches sprang to life along the bridge giving a warm glow over the area. The waters made the light look like golden stars on its surface. She felt the romance of the area. She couldn’t wait till Marcus found her here.

    She smiled as she heard quiet footsteps walking up toward her. She turned and her smile fell. Lady Gwenith was glaring at her. Lady Gwenith was so cold and dark. Diana felt goosebumps spreading across her skin.

    “My my my. What do we have here? A whore on her own. Tsk. Tsk. Tsk. Not a smart move at all.” Lady Gwenith stood before Diana and took a lock of her hair. “I don’t know what he sees in you. You’re very plain to me.”

    “You might not want to do anything to me. Lord VonChante and his majesty would be very upset.”

    Lady Gwenith’s eyes turned to black fire. “How dare you threaten me!” She cooled a little as she smirk. “You won’t last long anyways.” Her grin turned devilish from her memories of the past. “I will just have you killed too you know. No one stands in my way when I want something. First it was that little half breed and her family. Next it will be you.”

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