Missing Heart- Chapter Forty

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Chapter Forty

    The one really good thing about these SUVs of Lord Manier, they have four wheel drive. And the ride was smooth as they made their way through the rough terrain of the vast open fields of wilderness. These fields ran along the whole right side of the interstate between the palace and VonChante’s mansion.

    Marcus was fingering his throwing daggers as the sun finally sank below the horizon. He was twitching to do something. He had been locked in his mind for hours. His fears running away from him. His suspicions being given life. His heart pounding to find a clue.

    The millisecond his SUV stop, he was bolting out of the door. He went straight to the camp fire that had since long been extinguished. This was the center of the search. The center of where Diana was at one point.

    “VonChante!” Marcus turned to Lord Manier who tossed something to him the moment he turned. “Put it on!” Manier was serious as he gave Marcus the order. Marcus nodded and opened the small leather box.

    Inside the box was a high tech ear piece. One with a twenty mile range. Being able to keep him in touch with everyone in case a clue was found. Manier wanted to make sure everything was done right. No one going off without anyone being able to contact them.

    Marcus put the ear piece on before he looked around the camp sight. A man came up to him and bowed. “My lord. We have determined that Lady Diana was placed down here for just a short amount of time.” The man indicated a fallen tree. “We are still trying to fish through the tracks.”

    Marcus waved the man away and he walked over to the fallen tree. He knelt down and placed a hand on the tree. “You were here.” He sighed. “Help me find you.”

    Marcus rose and tapped the ear piece. “I’m going to start in one direction.”

    “Alright. Keep in touch.” Marcus smiled when it was Manier who spoke back to him.

    Marcus looked around at all the directions and cleared his mind. If he was her soulmate, wouldn’t he be able to know the direction to go? He hoped to heaven that was so.

    His feet started walking of their own accord. As if something took them over to lead him somewhere. To the trees not to far off from where he was. He hoped from the bottom of his heart that this was the right way.

    He groaned after about fifteen minutes of walking. He didn’t even know if this was the right direction. His mind was conflicting with his heart. Mentally he wanted to go back and try a different direction, but his heart said no. To keep going and don’t stop. It was screaming to his head to just shut up!

    Five more minutes and Marcus huffed as he took a seat on a boulder. He was losing hope. He didn’t know how to track. He was here alone thinking he could make the difference. But was he? What could he do that others that are trained for this couldn’t? This was a waste. His mind was starting to win the battle.

    He shifted to rise when something caught the corner of his eye. He looked over to it. Something was shining. He shifted back and forth the get different shimmers. Rocks don’t shine or shimmer like that. This had his curiosity peaked. His heart urging him on to investigate.

    He rose and walked over to a small gathering of rock. Hope sprang higher when he saw what was shinning. A ring. An engagement ring. Diana’s engagement ring.

    He sank to his knees and pulled the ring out from its spot. He kissed it several times as it was his clue. A way of telling him that he was indeed on the right track. They were going to get her back.

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