Vigilance (Chapter 1)

697 5 6

Word count: 9.8k+

Pairings: Sam Kiszka, Jake Kiszka, Female Reader

Warnings: 18+ as always, language, angst, fluff.

A/N: This story is a very special collaboration with my best pal . We have been scheming on this one for a while... If you haven't read , definitely go check it out. If you have, even better! We are taking this one all the way back to the early days, but we will be going into the present, so hold on tight it will be a bumpy ride. Without further ado...

September 2013

You fidget nervously at your desk, waiting to hear who your assigned partner would be for the History project. School only started a few weeks ago, and you had hardly made friends with anyone in your classes yet. There were a few familiar faces that came with you from middle school, but no one that you really considered to be a friend.

High school was different. Everything was much more fast paced, people were louder, and meaner. You spent the last few weeks acclimating to the change of environment and learning your schedule, which brings you to third period History class.

As you listen to your teacher read off the names of the assigned partners you hold your breath as she reaches your name.

"Your partner for the semester is Samuel Kiszka."


He looks over at you and gives you a soft grin. You can barely see his eyes behind his swooping brown hair. You can see the outline of his braces under his lips as he gives you a soft wave in acknowledgement of his assignment. You smile back and nod your head.

You wouldn't say that you and Sam are friends, but you have known him for a long time. Your parents are best friends with his parents and they have been since highschool. There have been many times that the Kiszka's would spend New Years Eve at your house, or you at theirs. Fourth of July was always spent at the Kiszka's and even sometimes Thanksgiving. You grew up around the guys, but you never really saw them outside of the holidays.

When the teacher called out Sam's name, it was almost a relief. Now you wouldn't have to spend the entire semester getting to know someone you didn't choose yourself. You already knew Sam, just superficially.

As the bell for the end of class rang, you collected up your books and zipped them into your backpack. As you stood up, Sam approached your desk, "Hey partner!" he smiled.

Looking up at him nervously, you replied "Hey Sam!"

"I'm kind of glad we are partners," he said, "I don't really know anyone else yet."

"I thought the same thing!" you say, reaching in your bag and pulling out a piece of scrap paper. You quickly scribble your number onto the strip and cap your pen. "Here is my number, so that we can start to plan. Seems like it's going to be a huge project."

He smiles, and accepts the paper from your fingers. "Cool. I'll text you later about it. Be thinking of ideas." he says, nodding his head and walking off.

Maybe this won't be so bad after all.

Thinking of topics for the project proved challenging. You were tasked with explaining the history of a modern day object. It could be anything. You spent a lot of the day thinking of things that were interesting and had a cool history behind them.

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