Vigilance (Chapter 10)

287 4 1

Word count: 22.6k

Pairings: Sam x Reader, Jake x OC

Warnings: 18+ as always, drinking, smoking, language, fluff, angst, smut.

                                         STRANGE HORIZONS:NASHVILLE



This is how it always was the day before tour. Josh barking orders at everyone, Sam waiting until the last second to do everything that should have been done weeks ago, Daniel trying to satisfy Josh's requests, and you, sitting back watching all of it unfold from the comfort of the broken-in leather couch. The office was buzzing with crew and staff working to make sure everything was packed away correctly and not a thing was left behind. Old friends reuniting, anxious for another leg of tour to begin.

Tensions were high, as they so usually were before you left for a show. Packing up an entire band was no small task, and you weren't sure why they always waited until the day before to do it. You were especially wound up today, still reeling from the events over the last few days. You still hadn't made amends with Sam, but you knew you would today. You had to. You couldn't start tour off on a bad note, right?

You watched until you noticed his tasks being steadily checked off the list one by one, and when he found himself ready to take a break, you knew you had your chance. You grabbed two beers from the cooler and walked back over to meet him on the couch. You extended the bottle out to him, and his eyes met yours as he took it. It's a start.

You sat down next to him, twisting the lid off of the bottle as you relaxed into the seat. "Can I talk to you for a few minutes Sammy boy?" you asked, hoping that using his nickname would help soften the mood he was in.

"Looks like you already are..." he replied with a gentle smirk.

You took a pull from the lip of the bottle, letting the cold liquid calm your nerves.

"Sam... I'm...really sorry about everything I said the other day. I was completely out of line to say those things to you. I'm not trying to make excuses here, I know I fucked up, but after everything with Sophia, I just... unleashed on you. I didn't mean it. I really am sorry. I get it if you need more time, I just... I've been thinking about you the past couple of days and I just want you to know I love you. I don't think you're a fuck up. I'm really proud of you. For everything. Really." you rambled nervously.

He took a sip of his beer, trying to conceal the smile on his lips as he replied, "I missed you too. You had a couple low blows in there, but it's all in the name of brotherhood right? Also, I love you too." he laughs, placing a forceful hand on your shoulder. "Phew, glad we got our yearly I love you out of the way, huh? Early this year..." he jokes.

There he is. There's your Sammy.

You held your beer up, clicking the glass bottle with his, "Until next year..." you toast. He laughs and looks over to Daniel, wrapping up some cording with velcro.

"You're right, you know," he adds.

"About?" you ask.

"Her. You know, if she was... with me and everything. It would have been the biggest fuck up ever. Monumental." he said, turning to look at you. "The first time we ever slept together we talked right before...made sure this wasn't going to turn into something else, because neither of us wanted that. I think really, we just wanted to feel close to each other again. Both of us made it very clear that there weren't any feelings involved. It was just purely sex with someone we loved and trusted. No feelings involved. That's all it ever was, Jake. I haven't had feelings like that for her in years. Is she gorgeous? Of course. Have I always wanted to sleep with her? Well, yeah. But I'd never steal your girl Jake... I've always known who her heart belongs to." he says.

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