Vigilance (Chapter 29)

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Word count: 27.6k

Pairings: Jake x Reader, Sam x OC

Warnings: Language, Alcohol, Drugs Use, Smoking, Fluff. Angst: Mentions of Death and Dying, Mentions of Hospitals, Medication, Sedation, Toxic Masculinity, Extreme Sadness, Crying, Extreme Grief, Substance Abuse, Slight Alcoholism, Bad Coping Mechanisms, Yelling, Arguing, Physical Fighting, Threats, Degradation, Mentions of Stalking, Memory Loss and Amnesia, Mentions of Abuse and Domestic Violence, Mentions of Comas, Death and Dying, Talks of Marriage and Generally Dark Themes. Smut: Kissing, Slight Dominant Themes, Consensual Angry Rough Sex, Fingering, Masturbation, Penetrative Unprotected Sex, Hair Pulling, Choking, Physical Restraint.


"...My answer is yes..."

Hang on. Wait a second.

The sharpness of her chin resting on your chest suddenly felt like a dagger going right through your rib cage.


"What...what do you mean, baby? Yes to what?" You asked her, your voice coming above a whisper.

"I mean, your question, babe. I heard everything you said while I was off in another universe. I still...heard everything you told me, with the ring and all..." she went on.

You bit your lip, suddenly feeling crazed with emotions that you weren't ready to visit yet.

"The ring..."

"Yeah...weren't you...asking me...?" Shit...she's getting upset.

"Babe, do you even know where the ring is?" You asked her.

You felt her ponder for a second. "No...actually. I don' you know where it is?"

"You ripped it off in the hospital, threw it across the room. I got it though..."

"I threw it across the room? Jake, I don't remember doing that..." she said, recoiling a bit.

"I know you don't. But you remembered before you got your memory back." You huffed. "This is all so confusing..." you stammered.

"Think about how I feel! I can hardly pinpoint what is reality and what I dreamed..." she shook her head. "I don't even remember that I forgot..."

You let out the breath you'd been holding, truly feeling sorry for her and her mindset right now. If she'd just let you explain...

"I kind of...gave the ring to Sam. A while ago..."

"Why'd you give it to Sam?"

"Because, I—" your hand reached up to cover your eyes. "Because I couldn't look at it anymore. I knew he would keep it safe. And I wasn't sure I was going to get you back, I wasn't sure you were even going to remember me...he was making you happy..."

She shot up off your chest, and rested on her elbow. "You gave the ring to Sam... give to me? Wait, Jake. Whoa. I'm still confused..." she sat up completely on the bed. Fuck...

"I was just in my head, Y/N. I saw you with him again, making you happy...I guess I just figured if you weren't going to remember me, remember us, then...Sam could be the one to do that for you. Make you happy. But I know it was crazy—"

"Jake, what the were going to give up on me that easily? Throw away everything just like that to pawn me off on Sam?" She was raising her voice now. "He just lost Elle..."

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