Vigilance (Chapter 25 Part 2)

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Word count: 13.5k

Pairings: Jake x Reader, Sam x OC, OC x OC

Warnings: Alcohol, Smoking, Cursing, Europe Jake, Extreme Dramatic Themes. Angst Including: Talks of Infidelity, Toxic Themes, Stalking, Arguing, Yelling, Extreme Portrayal of Sadness, Crying, Abandonment, Heartbreak, Domestic Violence, Extreme Domestic Abuse, Extreme Verbal Abuse, Extreme Physical Violence, Weapons, Blood, Extreme Stalking, Confrontation, Talks of Past Sexual Abuse, Mentions of Rape, Physical Assault, Emotional Assault, Verbal Assault, Kidnapping, Extreme Trauma, Talks of Marriage. Smut Including: Kissing, Touching, Fingering, Oral F!Receiving, Oral M!Receiving, Full Penetration, Rough Sex, Mentions of Masturbation. Fluff.

This chapter contains the POV of Andy and will contain descriptions of extreme stalking, including an abusers point of view with vivid descriptions of acts committed. This will be triggering for some readers so please read and recognize each trigger warning given above before proceeding with these sections.




"Ahh, Dublin. Capital of one of my favorite countries in the world." You listened as Josh pulled his suitcase through the small hotel corridor. "I can't wait to find a record store as soon as we get settled. I have a few niche Celtic albums I'm searching for. You guys wanna walk around?" He asked you and Y/N.

"Yeah, sure." You agreed. You really loved visiting here, too. Good people, good beer. Tons of history.

"Soundcheck is actually in an hour, then you'll have time between. But the venue is walking distance so we can probably make it." Y/N chimed in, checking her phone for the schedule. Still so good at her job.

"Perfect. I'll see you guys in a half hour or so?" Josh said, keying into his room. "Oh, hey...Y/N. Come in here for a sec. I've got something for you."

You raised your eyebrows to Josh as Y/N followed him in, and you turned and headed into your room to start to unpack. The hotel was small and quaint, and almost seemed family-owned. You waltzed into the bathroom, finding an array of tiny soaps and bottles for everything you'd need for a shower. And they smelled excellent, too.

Just then Y/N came back into the room, turning and locking the door behind her.

"Did my brother really get you a present or was that just an excuse to talk about me?" You asked, looking up to see her in the mirror.

"He did, actually. Jackass. He got me a yoga book. Well, let me borrow it. He just finished it and thought I'd like to read it." You turned as she handed you the book, a giant cheesy smile on her face.

You read the cover. "'Advanced Spiritual Intimacy'? Wait, no way. Babe, this is..."

"Yeah. I know what it is." She said, crossing her arms and holding back a laugh.

"Oh I am definitely going to kill him!" You said, shoving the book back into her hands as you ran for the door.

"Jake, Jake no!" She was laughing hysterically, pulling on the back of your t-shirt. "I couldn't turn it down, it was a gift!" She finally stopped you from rushing out the door, turning you on your heels to find you laughing too.

"So you're gonna read a tantric sex book that my brother also read?!" You squealed, attempting to pull away and run for the door again. "I don't think so, Y/N!"

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