Vigilance (Chapter 25 Part 1)

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Word count: 11.0k

Pairings: Jake x Reader, Daniel x OC, OC x OC

Warnings: Alcohol, Smoking, Cursing, Europe Jake, Extreme Dramatic Themes. Angst Including: Talks of Infidelity, Toxic Themes, Stalking, Arguing, Yelling, Extreme Portrayal of Sadness, Crying, Abandonment, Heartbreak, Domestic Violence, Extreme Domestic Abuse, Extreme Verbal Abuse, Extreme Physical Violence, Weapons, Blood, Extreme Stalking, Confrontation, Talks of Past Sexual Abuse, Mentions of Rape, Physical Assault, Emotional Assault, Verbal Assault, Kidnapping, Extreme Trauma, Talks of Marriage. Smut Including: Kissing, Touching, Fingering, Oral F!Receiving, Oral M!Receiving, Full Penetration, Rough Sex, Mentions of Masturbation. Fluff.

This chapter contains the POV of Andy and will contain descriptions of extreme stalking, including an abusers point of view with vivid descriptions of acts committed. This will be triggering for some readers so please read and recognize each trigger warning given above before proceeding with these sections.




"Do you really think you'll need that?" you ask, leaning back onto your hands.

She tosses the curling iron into the suitcase, "I don't know Jake! I've never had to hide out in the woods for weeks at a time! I don't know what to bring!" she snaps.

"Easy, easy..." you soothe, holding your hand up in defeat. "Bring whatever you want, it was just a question. You know you don't have to dress up or anything. It's just gonna be me and you, and I think you look the prettiest just how you are. I still can't believe you never went to Yankee Springs growing up. How did we never take you there?"

She huffs out a breath, closing the lid of her suitcase. "I don't know, my family just always went to Mackinac instead. I can't believe we even have to do this. I'm sorry, this is just...crazy."

"I agree, it's fucking insane but you know we can't stay here, right? At least until this is sorted...Just two weeks and then we are on the road again." you ask, placing your hand on her knee.

She nods and grabs the edge of the bed, pulling herself up from the floor to stand with a hand on her healing stomach. You watch, wincing in pain as her face contorts.

"You okay, baby? You want to lay down for a little while? Still have to wait for the locksmith before we can go..." you question.

"I'm okay, I need to grab a few more things. I just need another tylenol I think."

"Let me get it, you lay down, please, it would make me feel better." you beg.

She huffs, sliding onto her side of the bed.

You squeeze her foot, "Thank you." you breathe, as you step through the doorway and into the bathroom.

Thankfully the medical center in Mexico City ruled her injuries as superficial; the cut across her abdomen not deep enough to need stitches, but would still have a painful recovery. Your mind flashed back to the blood everywhere, and in that moment you were sure she was bleeding out. With some cleaning up and some heavy bandaging she was looking better, but there was still the matter of whether or not she had a concussion. You sat with her for hours in that exam room, just waiting to hear any kind of results, both of you still reeling and finally around 4am, a doctor came in and gave her the all clear to go home.

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