Vigilance (Chapter 30)

145 2 1

Word Count: 23.0k

Warnings: Language, Alcohol, Drugs Use, Smoking, Fluff. Angst: Mentions of Death and Dying, Mentions of Hospitals, Extreme Sadness, Crying, Extreme Grief, Substance Abuse, Slight Alcoholism, Bad Coping Mechanisms, Grieving, Yelling, Arguing, Mentions of Stalking, Mentions of Memory Loss and Amnesia, Mentions of Abuse and Domestic Violence, Mentions of Comas, Talks of Marriage and Pregnancy, Mentions of Wounds and Scars, Mentions of Gun Violence, Mentions of Infidelity. Smut: Kissing, Teasing, Fingering, Penetrative Unprotected Sex.

The Final Chapter! I hope you all enjoy the ending to this crazy adventure. We've each left you a lovely note at the end, please be sure to check those out when you're done. ❤️



It's nearly two in the morning as the tour bus pulls away from the venue in Jacksonville, fans still lining the gates to catch a glimpse of your exhausted crew. They smile and laugh as they wave out of the small open windows, happy to see their smiling faces again after such a long break. Jake was more than thrilled to be back on the road. His persistent pacing around the house as of lately starting to drive you mad.

Sam was the first to pull away from the window, slumping down into the couch seating across from you with his paper cup of wine. Your eyes met with his for a brief second before he flicked them away, but you weren't going to stand for that. "You okay Sammy?" you asked, pressing him to talk to you even though you knew he didn't want to.

He blows a puff of air through his nose, "Yep. I'm fine." he quips, giving you the bare minimum of a response, hoping to shut you up. You raise an eyebrow to him in challenge and he sighs again.

"Yes, I am fine Y/N. Swear, just tired. Haven't played a full show in a while." his eyes are dismissive as he flicks them around the confines of the bus.

"Since when did we start lying to each other Sam?" you ask, concern thick in your voice. "You know I can see you on stage, right?"

He shrugs as a response, completely brushing off the underlying accusation in your tone. He brings the paper cup to his lips, sipping the liquid and letting his eyes roll back as it hits his tongue.

"Oh you are in so deep..." you murmur, watching the whole scene unfold before you. You look over towards Jake and Josh, talking amongst themselves before looking back to Sam. "Just remember how you felt watching Jake do this to himself two short years ago."

Jake is suddenly plopping down next to you, wrapping his arm around your shoulder as he crosses his leg over his knee. "Good show?"

"Do you think it was a good show?" you question, curious to see if he picked up on Sam's sloppiness. It was blatantly obvious to you, so you felt like he should have noticed too.

He sucks his teeth as he starts to answer, "I think we could have been a little tighter, but for the first show back I think it was acceptable." he says, eyes darting over to Sam.

"I think it was fine..." Sam challenges, taking another pull from the cup.

"Right, well I'm gonna get in bed. You coming?" he asks, squeezing the top of your thigh.

"Yeah..." you pause, looking to Sam, "I think I made my point." you finish, standing to grab his hand and follow him back towards the bunks and as you look over your shoulder you see Sam tossing back the rest of his paper cup before crushing it in his fist.

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