Vigilance: The Outtakes - Coda

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Word count: 3.8k

Pairings: Sam x Reader

Warnings: 18+ as always, drinking, language, angst, smut.

A/N: Hey! Welcome to Vigilance: The Outtakes! Not everything can make the cut, right? These outtakes will be short snippets of things that we cut from the original story during the editing process, but are still important to the overall storyline and may even provide a bit of background information on previously mentioned plots, characters and themes. These outtakes will not be posted on a schedule, but will be released as we see fit. Keep your eyes peeled you won't want to miss these!

JUNE 2021


You throw your car keys on the kitchen island, letting the back door slam shut behind you. You pull your phone from your pocket, seeing the text from Y/N that she was on her way, before quickly shoving it back into your pocket. You hastily tried to pick up your house before she arrived, although you knew she wouldn't care. As you threw dirty clothes into the basket your mind wandered back to your conversation with Jake at the studio today.

It was never your intention to hurt Jake of course, although part of you had to know it would. But part of you also didn't care. You pushed the thoughts from your head as you made the bed, and made your way back into the kitchen, just as you heard the faint knock on the door.

As you twisted the lock, and opened the door, you saw her standing there in the yellow porch light, bag in hand.

"Hey beautiful." you said ushering her inside.

"Hey Sammy!" she replied, dropping her bag by the door.

She was dressed comfortably, a pair of linen shorts and a tank top. Appropriate attire for the humid Tennessee summer.

You both walked over to the couch, plopping down into the clay colored cushions and resting your arm across the back of the couch. She took a seat next to you, letting her head fall into your shoulder as she tucked her legs up underneath her.

You grabbed the remote off of the coffee table and turned on the TV, "Do you remember what episode we stopped on the other day?" you ask, selecting the option for 'Twin Peaks'.

"I think four?" she replies.

You click the button on the remote, and the intro begins to play. After a few minutes you both realized it wasn't four, but actually three that you stopped on, selecting it, and getting back on track.

You placed the remote next to you, and lifted your feet to rest on the coffee table, crossing them at the ankle.

The room is silent except for the sounds of the fan blowing in the corner, and the scene flashing across the TV screen. Halfway through the episode she turns to you, "Oh, how was your practice thing tonight?" she asked, leaning further into your side.

"Ahh, it was...fine I guess. Sounded good, just normal bickering. Jake was in a shit mood as usual." you answered.

"Oh really?" she asks.

"Yeah, keeps showing up to the studio drunk. Picking fights with everyone." you replied.

"Oh. Maybe there is something going on with him and Sophia..." she says.

"Shit, probably. That girl is..." you trail off, waving your hands through the air.

"Her and I didn't have the most pleasant of meetings, I will admit." she says with a giggle. "That day before the party was our first time meeting.You two just left me there with her. I didn't even know what to say, really. I don't think she knew that Jake and I..."

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