Vigilance (Chapter 17)

207 2 2

Word count: 21.7k

Pairings: Jake x Reader, Sam x OC

Warnings: 18+ as always, drinking, smoking, language, fluff, angst, smut, talk of violence and abusive situations, violence, weapons, blood.



Your alarm sounds right on time, pulling you from your dreamless sleep. Your eyes pop open as you quickly spin to your side to press snooze. As you roll back onto your back you let out a sigh, desperate for that extra five minutes. You feel the bed shift, and feel Jake's hand reach for you under the comfort of the sheets.

"Already?" he asks, voice still full of sleep.

You roll towards him as he opens his arms to you, pulling you into his chest. So much for those extra minutes.

"I have five–no four minutes. Shh..." you groan.

"What if you just...didn't go..." he whines.

"I have to go...It's the first day back after the holidays...shhhhh...." you plead.

"You don't have to, if you don't want to..." he continues.

You press a kiss to his neck and roll away from him, plucking your phone from the nightstand and turning off the impending alarm. Pulling yourself from the warmth of the sheets you make your way over to the tall dresser, pulling out the drawer of your things and digging through it to find the items you stashed there.

You hear him groan from the bed as he stiffens his body to stretch his legs and arms before pulling himself from the bed.

"Fine, I guess I'll go start the coffee..." he says, stepping out of the room.

Stepping out of the bathroom, you have a fluffy towel wrapped around your body, and the warm mug that was kindly left for you on the bathroom counter, in hand. Jake is sitting on the edge of the bed, already dressed and ready for the day, down to his boots.

"Big plans today?" you ask, grabbing your work clothes from your packed overnight bag.

"Told Sam I would go help him with some things at his place, which I am sure will rope me into about ten other projects, but I also need to run down to the music store and pick up a few things. Other than that, not so much." he answers, watching you dress.

"Oh, tell him I said hi. I haven't talked to him, Christmas. Oh I wonder if I will get my new assignment today..." you say, thoughts bouncing around in your head.

"I will tell him. If you do get it, and it's not us, call me." he says sternly.

"Oh, yes sir..." you say facetiously.

"Be careful..." he says, raising an eyebrow to you.

You finish buckling the strap on your heels, and stand up, smoothing out your skirt. "Okay, well, I'll call you later?" you say, grabbing your multitude of bags and taking the last sip of your coffee.

"Would be sad if you didn't." he replies, standing to walk you out to the door.

You stop in the doorway, turning to give him a quick peck as you rush by, "Love you."

"Love you too, have a good day today." he answers, opening the front door to let you out.

Pulling into the parking lot you glance at the clock. 7:53. Perfect. The parking lot is full, and people are making their way to the front door as you step out of your car. Grabbing your coffee, and your laptop bag you stagger behind a group of people, just shy of catching the door.

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