Vigilance (Chapter 27 Part 2)

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Word count: 13.5k

Pairings: Jake x Reader, Sam x OC.


Warnings: Language, Alcohol, Drugs Use, Smoking, Fluff. Angst: Confrontation, Arguing, Mentions of Death and Dying, Stalking, Mentions of Restraints, Blood, Violence, Gun Violence, Self Defense, Crying, Manipulation, Serious Injury, Deceit, Fighting, Yelling, Fear, Verbal Abuse, Physical Abuse, Emotional Abuse, Mentions of Torture, Mentions of Revenge, Breaking and Entering, Choking, Firearms, Talk of Pregnancy Loss and Unborn Children, Threats, Mentions of Police and EMS, Attempted Kidnapping, Graphic Descriptions of Wounds. Smut: Mentions of Sex, Kissing.


The ride back to the hotel was pin drop silent. Only necessary words being said between the group the entire ride back; you and Y/N hardly looking at each other. Your mind flipped with every possible scenario that could happen with them going by themselves, and your gut was telling you to stop her. Not to let her go. Surely she wasn't stupid enough to think that nothing could happen?

When you finally made it into the hotel room, the negative energy between the two of you came to a head, exploding out of the two of you as soon as the door slammed shut.

"Why, Jake? Why do you not want me to go!? What's your fucking problem?!" She seethed as she removed her earrings, beginning to hastily pack her things into her suitcase.

"I think it's a horrible fucking idea and you know exactly why!" At least you were honest...

"Godamnit Jake! I can't live in fear for the rest of my life! I can't not do the things I want to do and be independent like a normal person!" she argued. "You can't keep me locked away forever!"

"I get that! I really do and I'm not trying to 'lock you away', but he could've hurt you way worse than he did, you get that right? You could be dead right now!" You were trying your best to reason with her, talk her out of going...and the photo in your back pocket began burning a hole through your wallet again.

"Yeah, Jake. I get that. He could've killed me multiple times at this point. But he hasn't, has he? I've made it through. Each and every time. I'm tired of being scared of him. I'm over it, done. And you need to be too." She flipped her hand up in the air, dismissing the situation.

Fuck, here goes nothing.

You pulled the ultrasound photo from your wallet, walking over to the dresser and slamming it down in front of her. When she snatched it from its place, she became silent.

"Why do you have this Jake? I thought it was at home..."

"The night you disappeared in Mexico, the waiter brought it to me. Said Andy had given it to him, to give to me. Flip it over." You demanded.

She slowly flipped the tiny photo in her hands, the words written on the back making her slump onto the bed. She exhaled hard, shaking her head. "Why did you never show me this?" Her voice was tiny, distant, and cold.

"Because, we found you bleeding out in an alleyway with your mouth taped shut and your hands tied to the frame of a van! That's why!" You reiterated, smoothing your hand over your mouth, "I wanted to show you. I promise I did. I couldn't ever find the right time, and I'm so, so sorry Y/N. I know what happened last time when I left you in the dark about Andy. But do you really think me hiding this from you was such a bad idea? It would have only done more harm."

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