Vigilance (Chapter 21 Part 2)

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Word count: 20.3k

Pairings: Jake x Reader, Jake x OC

Warnings: Alcohol, Cursing, Dramatic Themes. Angst Including: Talks of Infidelity, Toxic Themes, Arguing, Yelling, Extreme Portrayal of Sadness, Crying, Abandonment, Heartbreak, Talks of Illness, Extreme Illness, Fainting, Hospitalization, Hospital Procedures and Protocols, Mentions of IV, Needles, Talks of Death and Dying. Fluff


A knock at the door caused your eyes to flutter open from the in and out sleep you'd been in all day. The medicine they were giving you, keeping you constantly fighting off sleep. You were breathing better, but still in an incredible amount of pain, and feeling worthless to boot. You turned your head to look at your mom, who was already standing to open the door.

As it swung open you saw Y/N, standing in the door, like your own personal angel. Your eyes widened as they focused in on her; wavy hair and red eyes, her favorite sweatshirt that always smells like her. She was upset, that much was obvious. Well, to you at least.

"Oh sweetie! I am so glad they finally called you!" your mom said, pulling her in for a hug. You watched her wrap her arms around your mom, wishing, praying it could be you instead.

"Jakey, it's Y/N. Can you sit up?" your mom asks.

You press the button on the remote and the bed sits you up, and you're positive that in your entire life you'd never felt more pathetic, as she watched you come to eye level with her. As your eyes met hers, you could see them tearing up. You hated for her to see you like this, but seeing her is the only thing you've wanted since you got here, and you weren't giving it up for anything.

You looked over to your mom, who was gathering her things with a knowing grin, "I know, I know, I'll give you two some time. I'll be downstairs if you need me honey." she said, walking out and closing the door behind her.

You watched as Y/N pulled a few items out of her bag, and placed them on the counter. It looked like a change of clothes, but it was so far away you couldn't really tell. You hoped that meant you were getting out of here soon.

She walked over to the side of the bed, sitting on the edge near your feet. "Hi..." her voice rang out like music.

"Hey..." you breathed. "I've been asking for you..."

"I know, they wouldn't let me come up until they got my negative test..." she replies quietly. "You scared me Jake."

"I know, I know. I was so stupid, I just thought it was a little cold, and that it would just go away, but it didn't. I was fine, and then... I don't know, it happened so quick, and then I was here and you were gone..." you stammer.

"I was scared and Sam and Danny were scared, Josh was scared. We had no idea what was going on. The doctors didn't know what was wrong. I thought you were dying or something and I couldn't even come see you..." she said, as a single tear slipped from her eye.

"I was scared too. Scared this was it...I think I almost lost a lung last night." you admit.

"Jake..." she says, another tear falling.

"Don't cry, please..." you beg, "I'm okay now, I think...I'm feeling a little better."

She puts her hands over her eyes trying to conceal her tears and sniffles.

"Come here. Come closer to me." you ask, watching her slowly shift her body closer.

You lay your hand on her thigh, as her eyes meet yours. "I'm sorry you thought you were going to lose me. I promise I'm not going anywhere, okay?"

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