Vigilance: The Outtakes - Plan A

139 3 0

Word count: 3.6k

Pairings: Jake x OC, Sam x Reader

Warnings: 18+ as always, drinking, smoking, language, angst

A/N: Hey! Welcome to Vigilance: The Outtakes! Not everything can make the cut, right? These outtakes will be short snippets of things that we cut from the original story during the editing process, but are still important to the overall storyline and may even provide a bit of background information on previously mentioned plots, characters and themes. These outtakes will not be posted on a schedule, but will be released as we see fit. Keep your eyes peeled you won't want to miss these!

APRIL 2021


How did I get conned into this? Isn't this Jake's band? You pulled your keys from the ignition, and jumped out of the car. You didn't want to go to this thing. The album didn't even release for another week, but one of you had to go, and Jake refused. Sam and Daniel had actual excuses, but you? Nothing. So here you were, walking through the loaded parking lot into The Blue Room, ready to leave before you even walked in.

As you downed your tequila soda you found yourself actually having an alright time. You did your duty, and rubbed elbows with your colleagues, talking about the new album and how excited you were for the release next week. Completely unencumbered by your brothers you were able to speak freely on the topic, explaining the ins and outs of the concept uninterrupted. After another drink and some more slightly dull conversation, you made your way to your table depositing your keys and phone before you sat.

The President of UMG spoke at length about the impact all of the new releases would make on the company, and how each artist was important to the overall growth. A load of shit. The newer artists ate it up though, believing every word. You sat back, sipping on your drink as you watched the slideshow presentation of each artist and the new album they would be releasing. Sam would have hated this. You were counting the minutes until you could leave.

As it neared the end, you knew you'd be up at any moment, and right on cue you heard the intro to 'My Way, Soon' and a photo of the album appeared on the screen. You stood with your drink, and motioned to the room as they acknowledged your work. As the applause concluded, your eyes caught on someone. You took your seat, and tried to focus in on her, trying to place her face when it hit you. Y/N?

No. Surely it couldn't be. She is still in Michigan. Then, she's gone from your line of sight. Convincing yourself that it couldn't be her, you moved on with the night, but in the back of your mind you still had a nagging feeling. You discreetly grab your phone from the table, pulling it down underneath the table as you pull up your texts. Jake. Wait, no. Bad idea. Would Sam know if she moved? Do they even talk anymore? No. I shouldn't do this.

You put your phone in your pocket but quickly remember Instagram. You type her name into the search bar, only to be met with a notification that you were blocked. Oh. You shove your phone into your pocket and follow the rest of the crowd to the bar, deciding on one more drink before you call it a night.

A little while later after a conversation with a suit goes south, you decide that you have put in enough time here, and make your way towards the doors. Halfway through the parking lot you stick your hand into your pocket, only to realize that you left your keys on the table. Fuck.

Stepping back inside the building, you see that most of the people have cleared out, and that the event staff were hard at work starting to clean up from tonight's festivities. You head straight for your table, and as you approach you can see your keys laying there, right where you left them. You hook your pointer finger into the keyring and spin them around your finger as you turn to head back out, but a pair of familiar eyes catch yours, and you suddenly have your confirmation.

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