Vigilance (Chapter 27 Part 1)

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Word count: 18.5k

Pairings: Jake x Reader, Sam x OC

Warnings: Language, Alcohol, Drugs Use, Smoking, Fluff, Hat Jake, Princess Bride Jake, Pope Josh, Pharaoh Danny, Devil Sam. Angst: Confrontation, Mentions of Death and Dying, Stalking, Blood, Violence, Talks of Hospitalization, Crying, Manipulation, Serious Injury, Talks of Pain, Vomiting, Vertigo. Smut: Kissing, Fingering, Oral F!Receiving, Spit Play, Light Degradation, Orgasm Denial, Anal Play, Role Playing, Voyeurism, Public Sex, Dirty Talk, Rough Sex, Unprotected Sex, Choking, Slapping, Gagging, Cum Play.


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"Shut that door for me, will ya babe?" Jake asks, flipping the switch on the small amp he's perched next to. You hear the sound of his guitar buzzing to life as he plugs into the jack.

You move quickly to close the door to his dressing room, shutting out the sounds of the hustle and bustle flowing through the hallways. He lets out a concentrated huff as he begins to warm up, letting his fingers dance across the frets. You place yourself back on the plush chair across from him, tucking your legs underneath you as you find your place in your book.

It's relaxing in a way, listening to him warm up, playing small riffs, pieces of songs, and hashing out a few new ideas in his spare moments. Watching in wonder as his brain works and his brow furrows, stretching his fingers across more frets than most people ever could, but not without a little bit of affliction.

His old worn-in boots tap in time against the carpet, his own personal metronome. You can see a sliver of his knee peeking through the rip in his jeans, a new hole to be mended by Cat in the coming days. A familiar song drifts through the air as he hums along, looking up at you hoping to pull a smile from your lips.

You grant him that, and shake your head before returning back to your book, but not for long. His silky smooth and shy voice sings out the next few lines of the song, knowing it would drag you back to him.

'Dear Prudence

Let me see you smile

Dear Prudence

Like a little child

The clouds will be a daisy chain

Dear Prudence

So let me see you smile again...'

A full smile parts your lips, earning you one in return. "There it is...There's my girl."

"I love that song." you say.

"I know you do. Makes me think of you. Everytime." he says, returning his gaze to the strings.

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