Vigilance (Chapter 13)

293 3 3

Word count: 12.1k

Pairings: Sam x OC, Jake x Reader

Warnings: 18+ as always, drinking, smoking, language, fluff, angst, smut.

                               AUSTIN CITY LIMITS


The time had come to return to the office space to regroup after most of Strange Horizons had wrapped up, and you were excited to discuss your new ideas with management. Many inebriated nights with your brothers had formulated a deep and diverse plan for the inevitable next leg of tour, and your ideas just kept building and building.

The pandemic had placed a huge damper on your initial tour schedule, release dates and shows being pushed back dramatically. Not to mention having to deal with all of the new rules that were placed last year for venues...though it had been over a year since the world shut down, the effects were still massively trickling down.

As you entered the office together, you thought back to over a year ago...the four of you had locked yourselves in a secluded cabin in the Smoky Mountains for a portion of time that you scarcely remember, only leaving to get supplies and food. It was there that you crafted a list of songs, some brand new and some dusted off from the depths of your library.

The isolation that you felt being tucked away in the mountains was the perfect setting for the way you all wanted the album to be...loud, dynamic, mysterious, orgasmic and borderline perfect. Not a note out of place. You'd talked about making an album like this for as long as you'd been a band, and you'd decided it was time to make it happen. What better time to create it than in the midst of a worldwide shutdown?

"Let's make it sound like a film soundtrack, without the film..." Sam had said, setting the premise for exactly how he envisioned it.

"Ha, a man after my own heart." Josh had responded. "Are you saying you want to make the soundtrack to my first film before I even know what it's about?"

Late nights had turned to early mornings of writing riffs, and introducing lyrics that spoke about the current state of the world and the more difficult subjects. Josh was truly in his element when it came to storytelling through his lyrics; you were absolutely blown away by his ability to talk about the here and now while making it sound like you were reading from a 500 year old novel. More often than not, partaking turned into conversations with the ghosts you were certain inhabited the old cabin's walls, thrusting you into sleepless nights spent laying down haunting samples on Sam's piano.

Sam's sonic concentration and being able to hear the music before you had even laid it down was perfectly tuned in...Daniel's ability to think outside of the box when it came to bringing everything together as a found yourselves in a true state of enlightenment, visually and instrumentally, and you prayed that the outcome of your hard work was to be accepted well.

Strange Horizons had been the trial run, and now it was time for your bigger idea to come to life.

"We want to call it Dreams in Gold. A lyric from the magnum opus of the album, the crowning achievement of our careers so far. The premise of this album is a concoction of stories being told, dreams, if you will. We've got ideas all the way down to stage setting and album art. Every element is going to be intentional, and is going to tie into one another. It's going to be all about details. The whole thing is going to be a journey, just like the storyline of the album itself. We want to include commissioned artists that we find organically, as well, to help with our visuals."

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