Vigilance (Chapter 19 Part 2)

166 2 4

Word count: 15.1k

Pairings: I'll just let you see for yourself...

Warnings: Alcohol, Gambling, Smoking, Marijuana, Cursing, Dramatic Themes. Smut Including: Kissing, Touching, Making Out, Light Degradation, Dirty Talk, Praise Kink, Biting, Fingering, Name Calling, Edging, Mentions of Sub/Dom Themes, Voyeurism, Orgasm Denial, Unprotected Sex, Rough Sex, Pet Names, Digital Penetration, Spanking. Angst Including: Jealousy, Possessiveness, Toxic Themes, Arguments, Yelling, Verbal Abuse, Verbal Fighting, Extreme Portrayal of Sadness, Crying, Sexual Assault, Cheating on Partner, Abandonment.


Holding the napkin in your hand your face was hot, flushed with nerves, shyness and embarrassment, but you knew all those emotions were unnecessary. You had Jake by your side, and Elle and Sam were your best friends...the night was yours, and it was young.

You both slid your empty glasses to the edge of the bar, thanking the bartender as you made your departure. You stood and Jake grabbed your hand, lacing his strong and calloused fingers with yours as you headed out the exit into the main lobby of the hotel in search of the elevator.

The hotel was still buzzing with people, gamblers left and right looking for a place to cash in their chips. Once you found the elevator, you hopped inside with a slew of other people, you stepping to one side, and Jake to the other. You were happy you'd had that giant glass of water; it made you feel a little less wasted than you were earlier, and definitely a lot better about what you were doing now.

Amongst the ten or so other just-as-drunk people on the elevator, you and Jake stuck out like sore thumbs. Both pressed against the walls as far as you could get, nonchalant and buzzing with anticipation. You held steady glances to one another as you picked at your nails, and he brushed his fingers over his lips. The elevator must have stopped four times before you even made it to the fifth floor, each time it stopped making time seem to drag on.

Finally, when the elevator had emptied, you were approaching the fifth floor, your departure floor.

"Babe, we don't have to do this, you know. We can get off right here and go to our room, tell them you started to feel sick or something..." Jake finally spoke once the doors closed.

"I'm anxious, Jake. But I'm okay. I...wanna go. Are you okay with this? If we go...? I want you with me..." you offered.

"Yes. I want to go. Believe me, I want to go. Badly. I just want you to feel comfortable." He said, taking your hand in his.

"I promise I feel comfortable. Sam...he's no big deal. But this is something new with Elle. And for you...I might just need a pep-talk." You laughed, trying to shake off your nerves, speaking in chopped sentences.

He took both of your hands in his. "Love, it's okay. I'm yours, you're mine. That's all that matters. We're just going to have some fun, a little. You and I aren't married yet, it's okay for us to go and be young together while we still can."

You sighed. "You're right. It'll be fun. What the hell are we doing?" You laughed, physically shaking your hands out.

Suddenly your back was pressed against the wall of the elevator. "Do you need me to get you worked up again? Need me to remind you of anything, love?" His mouth was to your neck, and his hand was trailing up your dress, fingers brushing up the back of your thigh and over the curve of your ass.

"I don't have a problem with reminding you, little preview, hm?" He gripped your ass hard in his hand, pain shooting through from the residual swollen marks from the belt, but all it did was spur you on. The pain was a hellacious reminder of what he was capable of, and who you belonged to.

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