Vigilance (Epilogue)

117 2 0

Word Count: 5.5k

Warnings: Mild Language, Extreme Fluff.

Special thanks to my girl Jules for always going with my hare-brained ideas, and letting me know I'm not alone in my delusions.

A/N: After much debate, we felt that we owed you all just a little glimpse into the future. This is one of our favorite things we have ever written, and we hope you all love this conclusion as much as we do.



Tiny splatters of morning rain started to drizzle across your helmet, thoroughly fogging up any clear view of the street you hoped to have.

"Shit." You murmured as you down-shifted, throwing your left arm out to the side to signal to the car behind you that you were turning. Luckily you were close to your destination, and you were thankful you wouldn't have to ride the bike all the way to the elementary school. The morning air was still chilly and damp, but early summer was on the horizon. Your favorite time of year.

You turned onto Jake and June's street, finding the front door standing wide open, with chaos surely ensuing inside. You parked the bike under the awning on the side of the house, wanting to keep the old worn leather seat out of the rain as much as possible. After hanging your helmet on the handlebar, you tapped your hand to the bike's belly, giving it an appreciative pet. "Good girl."

Take good care of her you promised, so take good care of her you would.

You'd hung a note in the back of your mind that it was getting close to time for an oil change. You'd only changed it once since Elle had passed, and after a few failed attempts and four hours of YouTube tutorials, you'd figured it out. Tomorrow, you'd grab a bottle of oil and a 6-pack, and try it again.

You checked your phone, finding that time was slipping by more quickly than you thought. You rushed up the walkway, hearing a loud ruckus bellowing out from the hallway. Once inside, you raised your sunglasses, and waited.

"Helloooooo!?" You shouted into the house. Shortly after, the sound of two sets of tiny feet racing each other down the hallway made your heart skip a beat.

"Uncle Sammy!" They called in unison.

"Good morning my sunshines! Wait! Where are your shoes? It's time to go!" You crouched down on one knee to accept the rushing embraces of your two new favorite humans, both of them fitting perfectly under each of your arms. Ellis, the rough-and-tumble heartbreaker, already more athletic and intelligent than any other 5-year-old boy you'd ever met, and Eldie, your long-haired firecracker of a niece, the sweet but sneaky spitting image of her Momma.

You stood up and walked down the hall, each of them heartily laughing while you balanced them on your hips. "Where's Maggie? Are you coming to our soccer game today? Is Uncle Josh coming? Can we get ice cream after the game like last time?" Eldie asked in succession, pushing her soft brown braids out of her face.

"Maggie's at home today, but you'll see her soon I promise! Yes, I am coming to your game, but I'll be going by myself if you both don't find your cleats!" You lowered them both to the floor when you finally reached the kitchen.

"Is Ladybug coming?" Ellis called out. "I miss her."

"Not today, buddy. She had to work this morning. But she promises she will be at the next one, sound good? Oh, and she told me to give you this..." you nuggied him in the scalp with your knuckles, effectively making him run away in a fit of giggles.

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