Vigilance (Chapter 7)

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Word count: 19.2k

Pairings: Sam x Reader, Jake x OC

Warnings: 18+ as always, drinking, language, fluff, angst, smut, violence.


MAY 2021

You feel your phone buzz against you. You place your guitar next to you on the couch and lean over so that you can pull your phone from your back pocket.

Josh: Be there in 10.

Not realizing how much time had passed since you began mindlessly strumming, you place the old weathered acoustic back on the stand and walk into the kitchen. The tile floor is cold on your feet as you make your way to the refrigerator. You pull the items for dinner, and set them on the counter.

You aren't exactly sure how you got roped into this every week but, it just kind of happened. Once a week on an undetermined day, the guys would come over for dinner so that you could all just hang out and relax without talking about work. You would eat and drink and reminisce on old times, and tonight was that night. You flipped the switch to the kitchen lights and squinted as your eyes adjusted to the bright lighting. You liked to keep your house dark, easier on the eyes, is what you always said.

As you are preparing the vegetables you hear your front door open, the squeak from the old hinges indicating that someone had arrived. You hear the familiar clank of keys being tossed into the dish at the door and who you thought would be Josh, was actually Sophia.

"Jake?" you hear her voice call out.

"I'm in here, just getting started." you reply, as you continue to chop the vegetables.

You hear her walk into the kitchen, "You're just getting started? Aren't they going to be here any minute?" she asks.

You clear your throat, "Yeah. Yeah they are, I got a little distracted but I will make up the time."

She mills about the kitchen pouring herself a drink as you peek over your shoulder to catch a glimpse of her. "Wanna do me a favor, sug?"

She turns her head, eyes meeting yours with a questioning look.

"You wanna set the table?" you ask, pointing the knife towards the long wooden table.

She tosses you a soft smile, "Sure."

You watch as she pulls the plates from the cabinet and saunters over to the table setting each one at its respective place. You smile to yourself as you watch her. She really is pretty. You'd always thought so. You aren't exactly sure when it turned from a casual hookup into full on dating but you had no qualms. You let things progress until suddenly she was staying with you a few nights a week. She was attractive, and smart. Not too bad in bed either.

You met her at a promotional photoshoot about 6 months ago. You noticed her as soon as you walked into the building, sitting with her legs crossed on a red leather chair. Her tan legs shining in the bright studio lighting. Her hair was long and dark and that only added to the allure. You weren't sure why you were so drawn to her, maybe it was because she paid you no mind. You kind of liked that.

Her eyes flicked up to yours as she peeked over her phone, and you knew you weren't leaving there without talking to her. When you made your way to the styling room she was there, assisting with the fitting. As she clamped the back of your jacket her hands lingered on your bare waist for just a tad longer than they should have and that was all the indication you needed that she was having the same thoughts about you, that you were having about her. She pulled your hair to the front of the jacket to lay gently at the lapels and styled it around your face. Her finger grazed your cheek as she bit her lip in concentration. The way she looked you up and down after, admiring her work...It took every ounce of control you had not to lean down and kiss her right there.

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