Vigilance (Chapter 22 Part 2)

154 4 1

Word count: 18.7k

Pairings: Jake x Reader, Sam x OC

Warnings: Alcohol, Cursing, Dramatic Themes. Angst Including: Talks of Infidelity, Toxic Themes, Stalking, Arguing, Yelling, Extreme Portrayal of Sadness, Crying, Abandonment, Heartbreak, Talks of Illness, Extreme Illness, Hospitalization, Talks of Death and Dying, Domestic Violence, Domestic Abuse, Verbal Abuse, Physical Violence. Talks of Pregnancy, Pregnancy Complications, Pregnancy Loss/Termination. Smut Including: Kissing, Touching, Fingering, Oral F!Receiving, Oral M!Receiving, Penetration, Rough Sex, Voyeurism. Fluff.


"Is there a faster setting for these windshield wipers? Cause these things are shit." You asked Elle as you pulled into the tiny neighborhood in Cape Cod, peering through the thick falling raindrops to see if any of the buildings looked like the one in the Air BnB photos. You'd flown into Boston and rented a car, the perfect small-town birthday getaway, all planned by your lovely Elle.

"Oh, there it is, babe! That one on the corner. It says we can park on the street." Elle said, pulling on the rain boots she'd ditched the minute you got in the car.

You pulled the car up as closely as you could to the front door of the tiny old house, situated perfectly on a row of about ten others that looked just the same. "It's so cute!" Elle muttered.

"I can't even see it, it's raining so hard!" You yelled over the loud drops pounding on the sunroof. "Let's wait a second while it calms down before we take everything inside."

"Mmm...okay." She complained.

"So anxious to get inside, babe...?" You said, running your hand over the back of her head.

"Maybe. Yes. I've just planned this so quickly in the last few days, thinking we were gonna be out on the road instead of getting to do something special. I just can't believe we actually made it, is all." She leaned back into your touch, calming her jittery and excited nerves.

You offered her a smile. "I'm excited too, babe. I can't believe we made it either, honestly. And thank you, for planning this. You're the best." You sighed, watching as the rain let up a bit. "We should be soundchecking right now."

"I'm sorry, love. I know you'd rather be out there playing." She relented.

"No, no. Not rather. Not rather at all. It's just you get yourself in this mindset to go and do something like that, it takes a long time to get yourself there. Then it just stops. But it's okay, shit happens. Jake needs to heal more than anything. Top priority." You said, giving her a little smile.

"Yes. Top priority. He will be okay, babe. Just needs some time." She said, clicking the toes of her boots together. "Ready to go in now?"


You'd spent the afternoon making yourselves at home in the little house, a quaint place right on the water. The air still had a wintery feeling, but it didn't stop the place from slowing down. You'd decided to take a walk down into town once the rain turned to a drizzle, seeing what all you could find in your short stay. It was straight out of a Hallmark movie; Main Street still bustled with people and tourists even this time of year.

You picked out a few spots you wanted to come back and visit, making mental note to remember them. Restaurants, record stores, gift shops...everything you needed in one little place.

It had gotten fairly late, and after a tiny takeout dinner, you had retreated to the oversized couch to watch a movie as you both let the jet lag set in.

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