Vigilance (Chapter 2)

276 4 2

Word count: 13.6k+

Pairings: Jake Kiszka x Female Reader, OC x Female Reader

Warnings: 18+ as always, drinking, language, allusions to sex, fluff, angst.


Jake: Sam called.

Your stomach drops.

Oh no, the card...

You: Did he?

Jake: He did... are you all moved in?

You: Yep, all set up and ready for classes on Monday.

Staring at the screen waiting for his response, your mind wanders. Why did Sam call him? What did he tell him? Did he ask about the card? Your mind raced with all of the possibilities. Jake never texted you. You had each others' numbers but never texted. So receiving a text from him was shocking to say the least. He wouldn't have texted you for no reason, you know there is something he wants to know, and your new living arrangements is definitely not it.

Jake: Good.

Jake: So...did he spill his heart out to you or did he chicken out?

You: He did... I heard you helped him navigate that a little bit...

Jake: I might've.

So this isn't about the card...

You weren't sure what to say. You found yourself feeling almost mad that all this time Jake knew about Sam's feelings for you, but didn't tell you. Still pursuing you, knowing his brother was in love with you. As the feelings bubbled up, you decided that this was not a conversation to be had over text. You hit the phone next to his name and listen as the tone rings out.

"Hello?" he answers, almost shocked. You get it though. You have never called each other before. This is uncharted territory.

"Why didn't you tell me Jake?" you ask.

You hear him rustle around on the other end of the phone, and the faint sound of him sighing.

"Why didn't I tell you about what?" he replies. You can tell he is pretending to not know, but you know he does.

"Jake, you know exactly what. About Sam. Why didn't you tell me about Sam? All these years he claims to have been in love with me, and you knew? You still pursued me? Why didn't you just tell me?" you say sternly.

There is a long pause from his end, just the sound of his breathing. You close your eyes, and you can almost picture the rise and fall of his chest.

"I couldn't." he finally replies.

"Why?" you ask.

"I don't know, I was afraid to, I guess." he answers.

"Afraid?" you ask.

"Yeah. What if I told you, and you...I don't know..." he trails off. You can hear the turmoil in his voice. His beautiful, soft as velvet, ever elusive voice.

"And I what, Jake..." you ask, almost a whisper.

"What if you felt the same? What if you liked him too? I couldn't lose you." He finally tells the truth.

"Lose me? Jake... we were never... It wasn't like that..." you reply, a confused tone in your voice.

He scoffs, "Is that what you think? It was never like that?"

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