Vigilance (Chapter 20)

159 3 4

Word count: 28.0k

Pairings: Jake x Reader, Sam x Reader, Sam x OC, Jake x OC

Warnings: Alcohol, Cursing, Dramatic Themes. Smut Including: Kissing, Touching, Making Out, Light Degradation, Name Calling, Angst Including: Nightmares, Infidelity, Manipulation, Jealousy, Possessiveness, Toxic Themes, Arguments, Yelling, Verbal Abuse, Verbal Fighting, Extreme Portrayal of Sadness, Crying, Cheating on Partner, Abandonment, Heartbreak.


You toss the two metal suitcases haphazardly into the back of your Jeep, slamming the trunk door shut and rolling your eyes as you curse yourself for insisting on matching suitcases. You walk around to the driver's side to find Y/N buckled into the passenger seat, twisting her fingers together as she stares out the side window deep in her thoughts.

You twist the key in the ignition and hear the engine roar to life as you step back out to say goodbye to the others. Y/N makes no moves to exit the car or say goodbye to anyone. She's hardly spoken at all since this morning, and for that you were grateful. You couldn't think of a single word she could possibly say that wouldn't boil your blood.

You shut the door and walk over to Josh's car, watching him load his own bags into his trunk.

"You outta here?" he asks.

"Yeah, see you in a few days?" you ask.

"You good to drive? You were pretty fucked up this morning..." he says, raising an eyebrow to you as he ponders back to the state he found you in. Drunk and alone at the bar at 7:00am.

"Yeah, just drank too much last night. Needed a little hair of the dog." you lie, hoping he will buy it enough to just let it go.

"Right. Well, tell Y/N I'll call her soon about next week." he says, gesturing to the car.

You turn towards the car and scoff, nearly forgetting she was hired on.

"Yeah. Right. Well, see ya." you say, smacking his shoulder and heading back to the car.

"Later!" Danny yells from across the parking garage, helping Sam and Elle load their things into his car.

You lift two fingers towards him and nod your head as you pull the handle on the door. Sliding into the seat, you pull your phone from your pocket and turn on a playlist so loud, she has no choice but to remain silent for the entirety of the drive.

As you sit in traffic on the interstate you tap your fingers against the steering wheel. The sky is turning dark now, and your day of travel is wearing on you heavily. Couple that with your night last night and you're ready to lock yourself away for a few days with little to no contact from the outside world.

As you stepped into the elevator this morning you weighed your options. Go to Josh's room and be forced to tell him everything, or go to the bar and drink until you felt nothing. With the second option sounding better you found yourself slung back into the black vinyl chair of the lobby bar with a never ending lowball glass of Johnnie Walker.

As your brain started to slip back into that fuzzy state where real life didn't exist, you started to scroll through pictures on your phone, reminiscing about the girl you thought you knew while shitty club music played in the background.

After your third glass you felt a hand on your shoulder, and turned to find Josh stepping up behind you already speaking to the bartender.

"Hey man, can we close out?" he asks, sliding a card across the bartop.

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