Vigilance (Chapter 5)

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Word count: 11.7k

Pairing: Jake Kiszka x Female Reader

Warnings: 18+ as always, drinking, language, fluff, angst, smut, violence.

MAY 2018

Pushing through the crowd was a blur, but you never felt more clear of mind. You see Sam approaching them, the crowd stepping to the sides as the two of you barreled through. By this point, a small crowd of people had gathered around them as well, including your dad and the bartender, but they were no match for you and Sam's speed.

You watch as Sam jumped between the three of them, acting as a protective barrier. You took the opportunity. You felt white hot rage and an overwhelming need to protect rise up in your chest and your fists clench in a way you'd never felt before. You squeezed your right hand over the slide and prepared your body for pain. You wanted this to fucking hurt.

Andy had his back to you, so you grabbed his shoulder to spin him around and face you. Time stood still and flew by you at the same time as you reared back and brought your fist to his face as hard as you could. The blow took him by surprise as his face contorted and twisted, and he hunched down to one side. When he came back up swinging, you were able to dodge his fist, which in his drunken state caused him to stumble. You grabbed him again, and continued to lay into his face before he got his head together to defend himself. You felt a hard left hook fall into the side of your jaw, but you felt no pain.

"You motherfucker!" You screamed as you felt the taste of blood filling your mouth. Your left hand had a grip on his shirt and your fury returned. Your vision went blurry, and you heard people yelling and shuffling around you. The fight had inched its way to the narrow exit hallway, and funneled out most of the people around you.

"Are you really gonna put your hands on them in public?! Fuck you!" You heard Sam scream as he pulled her and Elle behind him, leaving only you and Andy in the hallway. The two of you were wailing on one another, sharing blows to the face and ribs. You hear her yelling at the two of you to stop, you could tell her voice cracking like it does when she starts to cry. You knew Sam was holding the two of them back, as awful as it probably was to watch, everyone knew it needed to happen.

You went blind with adrenaline. You felt like you were outside of your own body, and you were acting on auto-pilot. You found yourself on the floor, fighting to pin Andy down. Sharp stings of pain poked at your hands whenever they touched the floor, and you remember the glasses and bottles flying off the table. Then you remembered she'd hit her head.

Andy was extremely strong, and in his alcohol-fueled rage, his strength was probably amplified. Thankfully you'd managed to get a good angle on his left eyebrow, which had begun to leak blood into his eye and blind him slightly.

All of the sudden you found yourself flying toward the wall behind you, hitting your back with a thud that momentarily knocked the breath out of you. Your vision started to fade a little but you tried your best to get back on your feet. You stood again and used all of your body weight to shove him against the opposite wall. He stumbled sideways and tripped over his own feet, falling to the floor. You jumped on him again, the two of you beginning to tire out and tousle on the floor.

"...put your fucking hands on her again you son of a bitch...I swear to God..." you pushed out through heaves of exhaustion. He looked you in the eyes as you hovered above him, and you saw something in them that you've never seen in another human before. Pure, dark, evil rage. His eyes were black and soulless. Then he did something you didn't expect- he smiled at you.

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