Vigilance (Chapter 19 Part 1)

203 3 2

Word count: 15.2k

Pairings: I'll just let you see for yourself...

Warnings: Alcohol, Gambling, Smoking, Marijuana, Cursing, Dramatic Themes. Smut Including: Kissing, Touching, Making Out, Light Degradation, Dirty Talk, Praise Kink, Biting, Fingering, Name Calling, Edging, Mentions of Sub/Dom Themes, Voyeurism, Orgasm Denial, Unprotected Sex, Rough Sex, Pet Names, Digital Penetration, Spanking. Angst Including: Jealousy, Possessiveness, Toxic Themes, Arguments, Yelling, Verbal Abuse, Verbal Fighting, Extreme Portrayal of Sadness, Crying, Sexual Assault, Cheating on Partner, Abandonment.

 Angst Including: Jealousy, Possessiveness, Toxic Themes, Arguments, Yelling, Verbal Abuse, Verbal Fighting, Extreme Portrayal of Sadness, Crying, Sexual Assault, Cheating on Partner, Abandonment

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"What's taking so fucking long?" Sam urges, watching the baggage carousel spin round and round with no signs of your luggage.

"That's what happens when you're the last ones on the plane. Your luggage comes off last too." Danny quips, tilting his head to the side in frustration.

"I... don't think that's how that works Danny..." you mumble to yourself with a laugh.

"It's not my fault that traffic was bad Daniel! The Nashville airport is fucked on a good day!" he replies, tossing his hands into the air.

Elle stands to the side shaking her head at Sam's annoyance and stares off at the small aircraft hanging from the ceiling. "How do you think they got that through the doors?" she asks, still staring at it.

"Isn't it obvious? They took it apart piece by piece, walked it through the door and then put it back together." Jake says sarcastically, tipping his sunglasses down.

Elle turns to face him, stepping closer to the both of you "You're kind of a smart ass Jacob..." she replies.

"If you want to talk about my ass, you're better off on twitter, sweetheart." he winks, and turns away smiling to himself.

"Jake!" you scoff, elbowing him in the side. He turns to you with a devilish grin and shrugs his shoulders.

"Finally!" Sam exclaims, drawing your attention to the new luggage added to the belt.

Jake steps forward grabbing your suitcase and his own. He insisted on new luggage before the trip, stating you would be doing a lot of traveling the next few months and good sturdy luggage was important. Why it had to match his, you weren't sure, but it did make spotting it a whole lot easier.

One by one you all grabbed your bags and made your way to the pick up area. You followed behind Richard, the bands new day to day manager appointed by the label, out to the pick up location, ready to load your things into the van to take you to the hotel.

You hadn't spoken to Richard much. You weren't even sure if he knew that he was your replacement. Did he know what happened with Jake? With Collective? You'd get to the bottom of that later, right now you were just along for the ride until one of the guys needed something.

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