Vigilance: The Outtakes - Sin City Revisited

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Word count: 10.0k

Pairings: Jake x June, Jake x Elle, Sam x Elle, Sam x June

Warnings: 18+ MDNI, Implied Drinking, Language, Lying. Smut Including: Kissing, Touching, Groping, Oral M!Receiving, Oral F!Receiving, Fingering, Pet Names, Crying, Unprotected Penetrative Sex, Rough Sex, Fully Consensual Partner Switching, Edging, Demanding. Fluff.

A/N: Merry Christmas you horny bitches. Don't say we never gave you anything. 😉

What if Vegas had gone a little differently?

What would have happened if Jake ignored that call?

What if he never left at all?



"What if we....what about a free pass, babe... If that's what you want...go for it. I trust you, I trust Elle. Asking Sam, that's another story, but. I promise you, it's not something that would make me mad, look at us. Look what we're doing right now..." you motioned around.

"At this point..." you shrugged, for some reason, somehow or another, you felt as though you could truly let him do this. One time, if it's what he wanted. You could both have what you wanted.

"It's just sex, babe...I want you to feel good." you continued.

He brought his eyes back to you, an answer hanging on the tip of his tongue as his eyes flicked to Elle, then over to Sam. He was considering it, the alcohol helping his decision.

Yes or no?

"Maybe just—maybe just this one time?" His voice was cracked and raspy, the effects of the alcohol and overall heaviness of the night shining through.

Your stomach flipped. You really didn't think he'd agree...

"Really? You think so?" You asked, wanting to push the subject a little more...see exactly where his thoughts lied.

"I– I mean...yeah. I guess. If it's what you want. And Sam and Elle, of course." The thoughts that flew through your mind almost made you dizzy. You truly couldn't believe he was agreeing.

"Is it what you want, Jake? I can tell you guys are—"

He swallows nervously as he answers. "Yeah. I want it. I want...her."


"I don't even have to ask you if you want...him. I know you do. And he sure as fuck isn't gonna turn that offer down..." He swallowed hard again. You couldn't disagree, he knew that you and Sam's flames were still burning, as horrendously embarrassing as that seemed to be sometimes.

He grabbed your shoulders, straightening your stance to look directly at him. "But you are mine, and I'm yours, got it? There's no one else for me, June. I want you to understand that, first."

"Crystal clear, Jake. I know I'm yours..." you bit your bottom lip and looked him in the eye as deeply as you could, driving it home. "I know who I come home to..."

"That's fuckin' right, baby..." he breathed.

"You guys want a water or something?" Elle bashfully interrupted you.

You both politely declined as Jake motioned with his head for you to head over to Sam, who was sitting in the lounge chair stirring his drink. You watched as Jake took Elle's hands and guided her to sit on the opposite corner of the bed.

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