Vigilance (Chapter 14)

439 2 1

Word count: 24.1k

Pairings: Jake x Reader, Sam x OC

Warnings: 18+ as always, drinking, smoking, language, fluff, angst, smut.





You were finally starting to get used to this. Pushing your carry on under the seat in front of you, you sat back in the oversized seat and buckled your seatbelt. Jake sat next to the window, staring out as he watched the luggage attendants load the bags in the darkness of the night. You picked up your phone from your lap and checked the time. 10:58 pm.

You knew it was going to be a later flight, not putting you in LA until nearly 1:00 am local time, but with the slew of meetings scheduled at the office today, a red eye flight was the only choice. None of them were too thrilled about it, but you promised them a later start tomorrow and a fun activity the day after, and they all reluctantly agreed.

The cabin was dim with only enough lighting for people to stow their carry-ons, and you watched as people slowly navigated to their seats. Sam and Elle sat to your left on the opposite side of the aisle, and Josh and Daniel sat two rows behind you.

Summer opted for a flight tomorrow morning, arriving around midday before the show, and you weren't going to argue. She had been making herself very present around the office and it gave you an uneasy feeling given her comments a few weeks ago. However, in her place came two new security guards Josh insisted be with you all at all times during this run in LA. You found it strange that he only wanted them for LA, but again you found it easier to not question Josh on the inner workings of his mind.

The flight attendant shut the door, drawing attention to the front as she did her safety demonstration. Jake turned his head towards you, and leaned towards your ear to whisper, "Can I hold your hand this time?"

He pulls away smiling, as his hand twists with yours, laying on your leg. Since everyone had been let in on your little secret back in Texas, things had been a lot easier. Not to mention a lot less sneaky, and a lot more fun. You kept things professional when it was time to work, but played hard when work was done. Things felt good. You were happy to be able to speak to Jake freely, hold his hand, kiss him when you wanted to...but there was a time and place for all of that.

The cabin lights dropped down, shrouding the plane in complete darkness as it began to plummet down the runway gaining speed. Jake gripped your hand tightly as the plane lifted into the air, and you buried your face into his shoulder as it climbed. With closed eyes you breathed in deeply the scent of his cologne. The one you saw a full size bottle of proudly sitting on his bathroom counter for the last two weeks. The smell swirled into your senses, relaxing you into his touch as his fingers rubbed against your knuckles.

You lifted your head up to let your lips meet his ear, "How does this not make you nervous?" you ask.

He turns to you, letting his cheek rest on your head, "Never said it didn't. I grabbed your hand first."

A few minutes later the plane is leveling out, and you begin to feel at ease. Jake lets go of your hand and turns on the small overhead light as he pulls out his book from underneath his leg. Flipping to his page, he curls back the front cover of the book holding it with his right hand as his left returns to its place on your thigh.

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