Vigilance: The Outtakes - Rekindled

98 1 1

Word count: 12.8k

Pairings: Sam x OC

Warnings: Alcohol, Smoking, Cursing, Mentions of Sickness, Death, Heartbreak, Abandonment, Dramatic Themes, Angst, Fluff, Smut Including: Kissing, Making Out, Touching, Fingering, Digital Penetration, Praise, Unprotected Sex.

A/N: Hey! Welcome to Vigilance: The Outtakes! Not everything can make the cut, right? These outtakes will be snippets of things that we cut from the original story during the editing process, but are still important to the overall storyline and may even provide a bit of background information on previously mentioned plots, characters and themes. These outtakes will not be posted on a schedule, but will be released as we see fit. Keep your eyes peeled you won't want to miss these!



"We did it boys..." Danny said, flopping down into the chair in the makeshift greenroom.

"Finally a fucking week off...what's it been? Two months?" Jake says, popping the lid off of his beer.

"Yeah, two months." you reply, sitting down on the worn leather couch. You were still sweating from your set, your heart still racing and the adrenaline still coursing through your system. The last show of your two month long run across the East. Tonight you'd leave Atlanta and head home for a much needed break.

Luckily tonight the set was just a handful of songs, and you knew them like the back of your hand, in fact, you could probably play them in your sleep.

"Then what?" Danny asks.

"Then we start back again, hit the West. Be gone until we come home for Christmas I guess." Josh replies.

Shit. A week off? That's it?

Seconds later a man walks through the door and nods, "Good show boys, gotta clear this room for the next act. Make sure one of you sees the bartender for your payout." he says, and just as quickly he is gone.

"Damn, really getting the royal treatment." Josh says.

"I'll start loading up, Danny, you want to help me?" Jake asks.

"Yeah, Sam, you got clean up?" he asks.

"Sure." you agree.

As they all file out of the small room you begin collecting up trash, empty cans and bottles into a grocery bag you found on the table. You had spent all of about two hours in here. How you had amassed such a large amount of garbage was a mystery.

Once you had all of the trash collected you set it on a table and began moving the chairs and furniture around, repositioning everything how you found it when you got there. You made your way over to your bass, locking it securely into its case, and setting it by the door for Jake and Danny. Your phone buzzed in your pocket, and you looked up from your duties as you pulled it from your pocket.


10:38pm: Yeah! Classes are going so good! I made some new friends! Miss you! Where are you guys even at?

Of course. You'd asked her that four days ago. Four.

You shook your head and shoved it back into your pocket snatching the bag of trash off the table to take to the dumpster.

It was hot outside, and the air was so humid you felt like you were practically swimming. If you weren't already sweating, you were now. The streets were busy with people walking from bar to bar down the bustling strip.

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