Vigilance: The Outtakes - Disruption

78 1 2

Word count: 7.7k

Pairings: Danny x OC

Warnings: Alcohol, Cursing, Angst, Fluff, Smut Including: Kissing, Making Out, Touching. Mentions of Illness and Hospitalization.

A/N: Hey! Welcome to Vigilance: The Outtakes! Not everything can make the cut, right? These outtakes will be snippets of things that we cut from the original story during the editing process, but are still important to the overall storyline and may even provide a bit of background information on previously mentioned plots, characters and themes. These outtakes will not be posted on a schedule, but will be released as we see fit. Keep your eyes peeled you won't want to miss these!

MARCH 2022


Bzz. Bzz.

Your phone buzzed in your back pocket as you stood staring at the luggage carousel waiting to see your suitcases come around. With only two days until the first show of tour, you waited until the absolute last possible second to fly into Michigan.

You pulled your phone from your pocket, pushing your sunglasses up into your hair, as you saw her name flash across the screen.


9:09pm: Just call me back Danny, I really think we should talk.

Talk? You had nothing to say.

It had been like this for weeks, her calling or texting asking you to call her. Asking you to talk. Where was she when you wanted to talk? When she ignored your calls and your texts? When you waited at the airport for her on Christmas Eve, only to find out she never got on the plane?

Things were over, and they had been over since that day, leaving her a voicemail telling her you were stood up for the last time. It took her three days to even call you back, and by that point you were so mad you couldn't fathom answering that call.

If you were honest with yourself you would say you felt better without her. More free, more of your true self even. But there was a part of you that missed her. The times you did spend together were great, you couldn't deny it. She had shown you a whole new world, a whole new side of yourself you never knew existed.

But after months and months of being consistently stood up and lied to, you knew it was time to pull the plug on such a draining situation. It had been radio silence on your end ever since, and you wondered if maybe she realized what she lost.

You shoved your phone back into your pocket as you stepped forward to grab your bags, ready to see your family waiting for you just outside.

As you made the drive back to your parents house you scrolled through your emails, shaking your head at the countless emails from Richard talking about 'tour decorum' and 'punctuality'. Where the hell did they find this prick?

"Alright Mom, it looks like we are staying at the Hyatt in Saginaw for the next few days, just to stay central to all of the venues. We will probably all drive out the day after tomorrow to check in and do soundcheck. " you said, closing out the email.

"Oh, that will be perfect buddy! I know we are definitely going to come to the Grand Rapids show, might try for the Saginaw show too depending on Dad's work schedule." your mom said, looking back at you from the passenger seat.

"Just let me know and I will leave passes for you at willcall so you can come back before the show." you nodded at her.

"Dad, we hitting the links tomorrow or..." you ask with a smile.

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