Vigilance (Chapter 4)

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Word count: 15.4k

Pairing: Jake Kiszka x Female Reader

Warnings: 18+ as always, drinking, language, fluff, angst, smut, violence.


You cup your dripping mouth, the iron taste on your tongue overloading your senses as you walk back across the room to find her and Jake. What had you missed? How did it get to this point?

You see her body crumpled into Jake, clinging to him like he was her lifeline. You noticed his hand woven into her hair, holding her tightly as she cried into his neck in a way that was more than a friend would do. A stark realization washes over you, and it's evident on your face as your eyes flash to Jake's in question. Has it always been you?

As if he heard your thought he gently nodded his head in confirmation. You can tell by the way he is holding her that he doesn't see her as just a friend. When had this happened?

Unable to watch any longer you turn to walk to the kitchen. You hear an engine roar to life outside and tires kicking gravel up in the driveway. You know he's gone. Your feeling was right. As you lean over the sink, the blood pouring from your mouth covers the white ceramic. You flick the faucet on and watch as the water rinses it away. You stare at the pink-tinted water swirling down the drain, and your eyes and brain go fuzzy at what just happened. Not to mention you feel a tightness on your face starting to form; surely you'll have a shiner tomorrow.

You hear footsteps rapidly approaching you, along with the sounds of muffled sniffles and shaky breathing. A hand falls to your back, as she speaks through her cries, "Sam, please I am so sorry I don't know what to say, I–...Let me help you, I can clean it up..." she says frantically, tearing paper towels from the roll, and running them under the cold water.

She turns to you and starts to wipe the blood from your mouth, dabbing your lip as you wince away. You grab her shaking hand as the tears fall from her eyes. She won't even look at you. She's defeated and embarrassed.

As you stand there you hear Jake entering and turn to look at him. You aren't sure what to do since you've never seen her like this. "Please let me do it..." she begs, as you release her hands. She is choking back sobs at this point, face flushed red and swollen as the tears fall from her eyes. You shoot another nervous look at Jake who is digging ice out of the freezer and putting it in a bag. He quickly grabs a dish towel and wraps it around the bag, before making his way over to you.

He places his free hand on her shoulder, "It's fine baby. It's okay, he will be okay. Right Sammy?" he asks, giving you a pleading look.

His loose use of pet name for her hit you harder than Andy's fist.

"Yes, yeah...I'm okay. It's okay, I promise." you say, finally meeting her eyes. As her eyes lock onto yours it breaks her. A full out sob leaves her chest at the sight. Jake hands you the ice, catching her as her knees buckle and they both fall to the ground.

Jake leans back into the cabinet holding her as she sobs into his chest. "I'm so sorry, I don't know why he did that... He...I..." she stammers on as Jake shushes her. You sit down next to Jake, in the same position with your hand holding the bag of ice to your mouth and cheek.

As you sit there you hear Josh walking down the stairs and know that his 20 questions are coming. He rounds the corner into the kitchen and is shocked at what he sees. He doesn't know whether to ask about her, the blood, or commotion first.

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