Vigilance (Chapter 18)

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Word count: 23.5k

Pairings: I'll just let you see for yourself...

Warnings: 18+ as always, drinking, smoking, language, fluff, angst, smut, talk of violence and abusive situations, violence, weapons, blood.


You swallowed nervously as your thumb smoothed over her skin in an attempt to calm her racing heart. Your own heart was hammering in your chest as you sat with her on the porch steps as the words left her lips.

'Jake, I think we need to talk...'

Your breath caught in your throat as your eyes flicked to hers. Panic sweeping through every nerve in your body.

She pulled her hand from yours and ran it over her face with a sigh. She rested her head in her palm as she looked at you, "I'm supposed to be mad at you. Furious with you. I mean, I am...but..." she pauses, shaking her head.

You release the breath you were holding, "But..."

"But I thought...I was afraid he was going to...God I don't even want to say it!" she says.

You place your hand on her leg, still blood covered, as you look into her eyes, "Don't afford him that kind of power over your mind. I'm not going anywhere. Not that easily, anyways." you say with a soft smile.

"If you hadn't come..." she starts.

"I always will. I couldn't let you go. I promised you I would never let you go again. I make good on my promises." you state.

It's quiet for a moment before she speaks again. "What about when you promised no more secrets? When we promised we would tell each other everything? What about that Jake?" she snaps.

Just as you opened your mouth to answer, the sound of a car door shutting pulled you both from the conversation bubbling up between the two of you.

Sam and Elle rushed to the porch, in a flurry of hands and worry. "Oh my god, Sam I was right!" Elle exclaimed, sitting down next to Y/N on the porch.

"What the fuck is happening? Why is she bleeding? The ambulance? The police?" Sam asks in succession.

You point to the corner of the sidewalk where a police officer is questioning Andy.

"No fucking way?!" Sam yells. "Elle talked to Y/N on the phone, said you two had a huge fight and when she hung up with her she had a bad feeling and wanted to come check on her. Guess the bad feeling was right."

"If I hadn't come when I did..." you start.

"Oh fuck, your neck?" he says reaching out towards you.

"He had me pinned. I swore that was it, vision started going and everything." you explain, running your hand over your chin.

"Jake..." he says.

"Rather it be me, than her." you say, as he looks over to her and Elle talking on the porch steps.

"Are you two...okay?" he whispers.

"I–I don't know, everything happened so fast. We fought at the house and she left. Fucking threw my house key and left. I couldn't let her leave me again. Wouldn't. So I came here and Andy had her fucking zip tied and slashed her leg open. He started attacking me... She threw a chair on him to get him off of me and he passed out. The police came and she said we 'needed to talk'. That was happening then you showed up." you explain.

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