Vigilance (Chapter 8)

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Word count: 20.7k (I'm so sorry this is a small novel, and they just keep getting longer.)

Pairings: Sam x Reader, Jake x OC, Jake x Reader

Warnings: 18+ as always, drinking, language, fluff, angst, smut, violence.

MAY 2021


Jake hadn't texted you back for a week. You only found out that dinner was tonight when Josh texted you asking you to bring a bottle of wine. So here you were, wine in hand, twisting the knob on the front door.

He had every right to be angry with you, you didn't blame him for that, but the real question in your mind was if he was truly happy with Sophia, why did he care so much about you spending time with Y/N. You would get to the bottom of that, but for now you had to make it through this dinner.

"Howdy bitches, I brought the wine!" you yelled through the corridor, shutting the heavy front door behind you.

Daniel steps around the corner sending you a serious look as he walks to meet you where you stood. "I'd bring it down a notch, Jake is on one tonight." he says, rolling his eyes.


You kept your distance, talking to Josh and Daniel in the living room, thumbing through Jake's record collection trying to find something that might help his mood. Something crashed in the kitchen, the sound of glass shattering against the tile floors. You all spun your heads to meet the sound, being met with Jake's incoherent mumbling of profanities.

"I'm gonna go survey the damage, be right back." Josh said, walking into the kitchen.

Daniel slides his eyes over to you, "Has he lately?" he asks.

"Who Jake?" you reply, pulling your phone from your pocket. You send her a quick text, while you have a free second keeping it short and sweet.

You: Tonight?

Y/N: See you then. ;)

"Yeah...Jake." he says.

"Ha... yeah. He has, can't say I blame him though. He probably never thought he would see Y/N again. Especially living in our new city." you answer.

"Oh, yeah I guess that would explain it. But damn the drinking is getting excessive." he says.

Now that you think about it, you realize he has been drunk or in the process of getting drunk every time you have seen him the last few weeks.

"I really don't know what's up with him. Probably having to deal with Sophia running his life all the time."

"I think I'm gonna talk to him. I don't know when, but...soon." he says.

You shrug your shoulders, happy that it doesn't have to be you to take on that task.

Josh pops his head around the doorway, "Alright boys, lets go." he says motioning you towards the kitchen.

You both stand and make your way into the kitchen, the food smelled delicious. You'd give it to Jake, he was a great cook. Daniel steps over to the counter grabbing the bottle of wine you'd brought, cutting open the wrapper.

You step up next to Jake to make a plate and you realize that you can, in fact, smell the booze radiating off of him. Daniel is right, he is drinking more than usual.

He won't look at you, and you know that when he does it will be accompanied by the verbal lashing you've been expecting since he found out you went to Y/N's graduation.

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