Vigilance (Chapter 9)

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Word count: 18.1k

Pairings: Sam x Reader, Jake x OC, Jake x Reader

Warnings: 18+ as always, drinking, language, fluff, angst, smut, talks of illness.


JULY 2021

Your eyes open, blinking rapidly as you try to adjust to the dim light coming in through the small basement window. You're warm, much warmer than usual, and that's when you realize it's because you're laying on top of someone. Jerking back quickly you look down at the face merely inches from yours and see Jake. Eyes shut and mouth parted. Shock runs through your body as you suddenly are overly aware of your body pressed closely to his, and his hand wrapped tightly around your waist.

Oh god. How did this happen? Where is Sam? What time is it?

You can feel his breath on your arm as it lays wrapped around his chest, and you immediately remove it, trying your best not to wake him. The last thing you wanted to do was try and explain why you were laying on top of him. Maybe he didn't know. But the question comes to mind, how did you end up here, and furthermore, why?

From the arm wrapped around your waist you felt it was safe to assume he knew you were here, holding you tightly to him as he slept. You weren't even sure when you fell asleep last night, waiting for Sam to return, but you realize he never did, and that's what got you in this situation.

How many nights had you wished for him to hold you like this again? Thought of the way his hands felt on your body?

That's why it made it so much more painful when you had to remove yourself from him. You gently picked up his arm, laying it next to him on the couch as you silently stood up.

He looked so happy. So peaceful. But he wasn't yours, and you knew that he probably only let you sleep next to him because he felt bad for you. After telling him everything that had happened with Andy, you were sure he felt pity for you. For the situation you were in. He was just being kind. He always had been with things like that. But you were embarrassed. You knew he was with Sophia. It was wrong of you to even put him in this position.

You couldn't face Sam either. You're sure he had to have seen you and Jake on the couch when he finally did come back. Of course he left you there. After all the flirting and touching you and Sam did yesterday, and practically leaving him waiting all night, seeing you cuddled up on Jake was probably the cherry on top. You knew he would be mad, and you couldn't deal with that. You couldn't bear to have that conversation.

You took one last look at Jake before you climbed the stairs, and made your way to the living room. You grabbed your bag and your keys and left, not knowing when or if you and Jake would ever talk about what happened last night, or if you and Sam were still speaking because of it.

But you would get your answer a bit later in the form of a text from Jake. Something you hadn't seen flash across your screen in years. His contact still the same as it was all those years ago.

Jake: Hey, everything ok?

You read it immediately, not sure what to say. Did he want to talk about last night? Tell you it was a mistake and should have never happened? What did happen?

Unable to form a coherent thought you closed out of his message and shoved the phone into your purse, boarding your flight home.

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