Vigilance (Chapter 21 Part 1)

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Word count: 15.3k

Pairings: Jake x Reader, Sam x Reader, Sam x OC, Jake x OC

Warnings: Alcohol, Cursing, Dramatic Themes. Angst Including: Talks of Infidelity, Toxic Themes, Arguing, Yelling, Extreme Portrayal of Sadness, Crying, Abandonment, Heartbreak, Talks of Illness, Extreme Illness, Fainting, Hospitalization, Hospital Procedures and Protocols, Mentions of IV, Talks of Death and Dying. Fluff.


Why am I so hot? You awoke to the feeling of a warm arm draped over your body, a leg tangled between yours, and a sheen of sweat covering your skin. Your eyes opened and you found Jake completely wrapped around you. What's happening?

You turn your head to see him resting on your pillow, his mouth slightly open as his eyes move back and forth beneath his lids. A soft breath left his lips, as you stared at him. The most beautiful human you'd ever seen. You weren't sure how you ended up here, wrapped up with him, but just for a moment you let yourself feel the rush of happiness flooding your brain.

His hand rested on your shoulder, his calloused fingertips laying gently against your shirt. His shirt. The shirt he gave you years ago. You knew he remembered the other night, just by the way his eyes grew when he saw it. Was it intentional? No. But it gave you hope that somewhere deep down inside of him, there was still something there.

You let your fingers gently brush the strand of hair from across his face, tucking it behind his ear. His mouth twitched at the movement but you knew he would probably wake soon anyways. You were going to enjoy this moment, before he woke up and made you forget it ever happened.

Your hand traveled down his neck and over his torso, feeling his soft skin beneath your fingers, trying to commit the feeling to memory. You loved him. You'd never stop loving him, regardless of if he wanted that love or not. You let your hand settle on his stomach, as you rolled towards him, leaving you nose to nose.

It took everything in you not to press your lips to his, you could almost feel them when you closed your eyes. But instead you just looked at him. Taking in the curve of his jaw, and the angle of his nose. The tiny scar on his eyebrow, and the freckle on his cheek. Little things you'd come to love, and knew held a permanent place in your memory.

His foot brushed against yours under the blankets, and you tensed up knowing he was about to wake up. You held your breath as you watched his eyes flutter open, trying to adjust to the light in the room. His eyes opened wide as he took in his surroundings, taking note of where he was and where his hands were placed. His eyes met yours, full of emotion, as you felt his hand slide down your shoulder and over the curve of your hip.

He rolled to his back and let out a sigh, staring up at the ceiling as he stretched his legs out before going limp again. Your hand fell from his stomach as he rolled to his back, his skin still warm and dewey as he lowered the sheets down to his hips.

Neither of you said a word about it, instead just laying there soaking in the blissful feeling of being together under the sheets. He turned his head to look at you, and you peered up at him through your lashes, ready for the harsh blow of regret to leave his lips, but to your surprise it never came. He turned to grab his phone from the nightstand, and began to scroll through his notifications, as if it was any old regular morning. Like he didn't cripple your emotions last night. What happened after you fell asleep?

You laid there watching him, and after a few minutes, you felt his foot slide up the side of your leg as he pulled the sheets the rest of the way off of him and rolled out of the bed. He walked over to his suitcase and grabbed a change of clothes before turning back around and catching your gaze.

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