Ch. 9 Helping her

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POV: Adalind

I've been going to university for a month now. Caleb is awesome. Dad has backed off. Though his conditions for being here still stand. Without him I would not be able to afford to go here so I follow his rules.

My mate has been the same. He has moves on to sleeping with other women now. I can feel when he does. It hurts. Thankfully I'm not made to watch. He always asks me of I enjoyed my night the day after he was with someone.

I don't ever answer him. He knows that my night was pure hell. Needless to say I had no sleep last night and I am exhausted.

Andrea has been quiet since the first time he did it. He hurt her. He hurt us. Anyway I'm actually about to enter his class now. I take my seat and wait for his lesson to begin.

"Alright class today we will be pairing up into groups of three. Your assignment is on the board. Please discuss with your group about your topic. This project will be due next week. Between three of you you should be able to complete this in the alloted time. Begin." He says.

I look around to see that everyone is already partnering up. I look around to find a group with an empty spot. I don't see any. "Does anyone have a third spot free in their group?" Aiden asks.

No one responds. "Well miss Rickson it seems you will have to do this project all on your own." Aiden says. "But I can't get all that done in one week by myself." I argue.

"Not my problem. Use your time wisely miss Rickson. How was your night last night?" He asks. "Unbelievable." Is all I say. I can't make a scene in front of everyone.

The assignment is to do research on an Egyptian king or queen. Our essays will start out with facts and transition to our own theories as to what really happened to them. We are to provide our proof of facts and sources. The essay is to be five thousand words. Our reasonings and proof for our theory is to be provided. I have a week to do all of this alone. This is all on top of my other classes.

I'm going to have to do some major time management on this. While I'm sitting there thinking of my topic the smell of blood hits me. I take deep breaths. Its human blood. I look up to my mate with a human blood bag staring right at me as he pours it into a glass.

My fangs threaten to come out. I haven't fed in two days. I only feed every three to four days. That's about as long as I can go without. I notice that all the other vampires in the room don't even budge at it. I have less control than I thought.

Aiden picks the glass up and walks near me waving the glass in front of me. I couldn't take it anymore and let a growl slip from my lips. Aiden quirks an eyebrow. "Losing control are we?" He smirks.

"Stop it." I say strained. I know my eyes are red now. My fangs are starting to come out. I speed out of the room as fast as I could. I run right into the woods taking a deep breath.

He did that on purpose. "Are you ok?" I hear Aiden's voice suddenly behind me. Did he follow me? "Why are you here?" I ask still trying to calm down. Tears threatening to come out.

"You lack control." Is all he says. "Well I'm sorry that I was born. I'm sorry that no one taught me. I'm sorry that I had to learn it all on my own." I vent out. "And I'm especially sorry that you got stuck me for a mate or one or whatever you call it." I yell at him. "Just go away." I whisper with tears now flowing.

He suddenly does something I never expected him to do. He hugs me. I'm frozen in shock. Andrea perks up. I can feel the sparks on my skin from him. The hug last a minute and he was gone in the blink of an eye. What just happened? Did he just?

"See we will win mate over. Mate cares." Andrea says happily. I'm still not so sure.

I walk back to class wondering if he'll even let me in. I walk back in and he doesn't say anything.


POV: Aiden

I fucked up. I let the bond get to me. I hugged her. She ran out of here because I was torturing her with human blood.

She vented out at me upset. I was right though. She's never been taught. Every other vampire besides her didn't even flinch at the smell. She was the only one to react. She's like a newly turned vampire with little control.

I've been finding it harder and harder to push her away. I want to be with her more and more. I've been sleeping with other women. I know she feels it but she never says anything. The women do nothing for me. I've done most everything you can imagine when it comes to sex. Do I get pleasure from it? Yes. I just have a picky appetite when it comes to sex now.

Adalind looks exhausted like she's barely slept. I know I'm at fault for that. I'll let her sleep tonight. Then again she may not get any anyway due to the amount of home work she has. I don't even grade her test or assignments fairly. I just read her name and put either a d or and f. I'll throw in a c sometimes to mix it up. I've never actually read anything she's written.

The same will go for this project. She'll get an automatic D for this one. I felt bad for pushing her earlier and wanted to comfort her. When she ran back inside i said nothing.

It's not long before I end the class and dismiss everyone. Adalind stays behind like a good girl. I grab a blood bag from my desk and place it on hers. "Eat." Is all I say. This look of confusion crosses her face. "Sorry what?"

"I can't have you losing control like that anymore. It puts everyone around you in danger. From now on you will feed before you leave this classroom. I will teach you the basics. Don't mistake me. I'm only doing this so you don't lose control and hurt someone."

She stays silent for a minute. "And if I refuse?" She asks. "You won't. You long to know more of you vampire side. You want to explore the part of you that has been denied for so long."

She looks down at the blood bag. I know she hungry. "Go on eat. Your not leaving until you do. Dragon boy can wait." I tell her. Everyday her little dragon boy friend waits outside the classroom for her.

She slowly picks the blood up and places it at her her lips hesitantly. She drinks the entire thing. "Happy now?"

"Very. Tell dragon boy from now on you'll be staying an hour after class from now on." She leaves the classroom to be with her friend.

I did find out that she is indeed a blood moon born wolf. Darach will be coming for her soon. I can't let that happen.

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