Ch. 13 Talk

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POV: Aiden

Fuck! Fairy blood. He was here. He's trying with me. He was so close. Darach could have gotten Adalind and I would have never known until it was to late. The thought alone runs chill down my spine.

I summon Randell to me. I am Randall's sire so I can summon him without physically calling him. After Randell is summoned I alert the dean of the university of the situation. I'm running this investigation. The dean would not go against me. No one would dare to even try to stop me.

I already know who did this. It was Darach. This girl did not have to die. All he needed was her blood. Randell shows up. "Clean this up and alert her family of her passing." I order him.

I sent Adalind home. I'll go to here later. We still need to talk. When she told me that she was going to be taken out of school and almost rejected I couldn't let that happen. She can't go. I won't lose her. She is my one. I have been fighting a losing battle with her. I can't fight anymore. I give in.

Her lips were the softest lips I've ever felt in all my years. It was clear how inexperienced she is in the kiss but that only added character to it. It made it mean more that it was her first. I plan to be all those firsts for her.

I walk back to my class and finish up my lesson. I have one right after this class. Adalind did not attend. I place a movie on the subject I'm teaching today. I go through all of Adalind's assignments and test and grade them right this time.

She's actually a smart girl. I shouldn't be surprised though. She's getting all A's in her other subjects. You could tell she rushed through the group assignments she had to do alone. They weren't her best work but she did what she could in the alloted time given.

Some of her theories were quite close to how it happened outside the textbooks. I did live through it. You can see her passion in it. I wonder what her major is.

I finish fixing her grade and enter it into the computer. I add a note that it was some glitch to her previous grades and are now fixed.

After I dismiss my class I leave for Adalind. I know where she lives because I followed her a few times home before. There are guards around but it's nothing I can't get past. I speed to the front door of her house.

I knock on the door and wait for her to answer. She better hurry up. This sun is unbearable. Two minutes later she is standing in front of me with the door opened.

"What are you doing here. How did you? Why? My dad is not going to like you being here and the guards will report it to him." She says. "Are you just going to stand there or let me in. We need to talk." I say impatient.

She turns around walking further into the house leaving the door opened. I walk inside closing the door. "My dad is going to be pissed with you being here." She says again. "Let him. He should get used to it."

She is shocked and confused by my statement. "What? We can sit in here." She leads me to the living room and sits on the couch. I sit next to her causing her to scoot over.

"Why are you here?" She asks. I pull out all of her newly graded work to show her that it is fixed. She looks at all of it. "You fixed it? Why? Are these grades real?"

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