Ch. 42 Epilogue

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POV: Adalind

One year later......

Hi. I bet your wondering what happened after Sebastian curse was broken. Well we all lived happily ever after. I went back to school and Aiden came back to teach again.

So far the two species have gotten along fine. There are a few time where it gets difficult between them but we handle every situation as it come.

Tate had his first shift. He did good. Aunt Penny had a lite boy. Cameron met his mate. She's quite the spit fire if you ask me.

My class actually just ended. Guess who's class I'm in right now. That's right I'm in history. Aiden teaches this class.. i wait for the whole class to leave. I have a little surprise for Aiden today. I just hope he's ok with it. We haven't really discussed something like this yet.

"Anything I can help you with Mrs. Vandomir." He asks leaning down to peck my lips. "Oh I don't know professor. I may have something to tell you."

"And what would that be." He asks amused. I pull something from my bag and give it to him. He takes it and looks at it. I gave him a small box with a photo and a test in it. I await his reaction.

"Is this? Are you?" He asks. "I'm pregnant Aiden." I say out loud. This is the first time I've said it out loud. He looks me right in the eyes. "Is that ok?" I ask nervously.

"Of course it's ok. It's great in fact." He says. "So you're happy about this?" I ask once more to make sure. "Yes I'm happy. Are you. Is this what you want?"

"Yeah." He kisses me. I giggle. "I was wondering what was going on with you?" He says. I've been feeling sick lately. I had gone to vist my parents and while I was there I paid a visit to the pack doctor. Thats how I found out I was pregnant.

"There is one more thing. You see those two little dots." I point in the photo of the ultrasound the doctor took. He nods. "The doctor says that there is two of them. I'm having Twins." I say.

"Really? I guess i did an extra good job then." He says. "Oh yeah? Does that mean I get an A plus plus on my next assignment?" I smirk.

"Now Mrs. Vandomir you now I don't do special favors for grades." He teases. "I guess I'll have to try and change your mind again professor." I tease back.

"Oh yeah and exactly how do you plan on doing that Mrs. Vandomir." I kiss him. He lifts me up and sets me on his desk. I love this man. "Oh damn Pinkie. I thought we were going to get coffee and you in here playing the professor fantasy." Caleb walks in.

Aiden glares at him. "I'll see you later." I tell Aiden. "You better make this up to me." He says. "Promise."

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