Ch. 16 Playing Nice

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POV: Aiden

It's called the the blood moon prophecy. It was spoken to me once by a moon blessed. When I was told it she brought a warning with it. Beware of the darkness. Accept fate as it comes.

I never knew what that meant until now. This prophecy is about the wolves and vampires becoming allies once more. Darach is this darkness. Everything happening now is no coincidence. I met Adalind on her 18th birthday. It all started that day. That was the day Darach got the talons.

Adalind being blood moon born is no coincidence. Her being both is what unites the two species she is the divide that brings us together as one.

I know Adalind doesn't want to go but I need her to. She is not safe here. I have had one of my advisors teach my class from now on until the school can find a new professor in the meantime.

I won't have the time for that now. I'll be busy with all this for a while. I'm sending another of my advisors to Adalind. She is struggling with the mind dive and she doesn't have the time to. Most sirelings are have a handle on their abilities at the end of two years. She doesn't have that kind of time.

Jasper specializes in helping struggling vampire master their abilities. He will teach her from now on. Randell is still working on finding Darach. Now that I'm free I can go in search of him myself.

I'm on my way to Adalind's house. I promised her I would check on her. I've been busy all day tying things up at the university and preparing for my return to my palace.

My palace is on the other side of the country. I'll be far away from Adalind but I will be back.

As I'm about to knock on the door a boy that looks a lot like That Alpha Jax comes running out followed with Adalind. "Cameron! I'm going to get you for that!" Adalind runs past me laughing. She stops suddenly and turns to me.

"You're here." She says. "I am." I say. "What happened i thought you were going to beat me up?" The one she called Cameron comes up behind her.

"Huh? Oh yeah I am. Later." Adalind pushes him and runs back in the house yelling for me to come in. I follow her inside. "Sorry Cam and I were messing around."

"Who is that?" I ask. "Oh yeah sorry. That was my brother. He's the one that I'm going to live with." She answers. "Is this him. Your vampire mate?" Cameron asks. "Yes and vampires perfer one." I answer.

"One what?" He asks looking confused. "A one is the Vampire version of a mate." Analind answers. He nods grabbing a bottle of water from the refrigerator.

"You can go Cam. I don't need to be supervised." Adalind says. "Nah I'm good right here."

"Ugh. I swear some times you're worse than dad. Just go. I will be fine." Adalind says annoyed. "How?" He says offended. "If you don't go I'm going sneak in your room tonight while your asleep and shave all your hair off." Adalind threatens.

"Fine! Don't touch my hair." He holds his hands up surrender leaving. I'm amused watching the whole encounter. "He values his hair the most." Adalind shakes her head.

"When do you leave?" I ask. "Thursday morning. We have an estate halfway between the palace and Black River so we'll stop there and drive the rest of the way friday." She answers.

"Sounds great. I'm leaving tonight so you won't see me for a few weeks." She frowns. "Oh. Um ok. So this is Goodbye." She says sadly. "No you'll see me again. It's just a two weeks."

"You say that like two weeks isn't a long time." I chuckle. "My perception of time is different than most. Remember I've been around a long time. Two weeks is nothing to me."

"Just how old are you?" She asks. I smirk. "What year is it?" I ask. "2023." She answers. "Hmm then that would bring me at 2,047 years old." I answer. Her jaw drops. "O. M. G. I'm like a baby compared to you. Thats.. thats weird."

"If it makes you feel better I was 22 when I died and was turned." I tell her. "Not really."

"Oh you're here." Adalind's father comes in. "Hi I'm Haven. We didn't exactly get to proper introductions last night." Her mother introduces herself. "Aiden. It's nice to meet you Queen Haven." I say formally. Adalind snorts.

"No don't do that. Mom hates to be called Queen. You just call her by her name. She will insist." Adalind says. I nod in acknowledgement. "I do insist. I still can't wrap my head around it." Haven says.

"It's a sign of respect Haven." Jax says. "I'm just playing nice here." I state plainly. The alpha growls. I smirk. "Dont act like your not doing the same. It will be a long time before relations between our species are normal."

He growls again. "Really. Can we all just get along. I'm both and we get along just fine in one body. why can't you two do the same?" Adalind complains. "I'm trying." Jax and I say at the same time.

"Fine. We can all play nice. We do have a lot to discuss though." Jax says. "Yes we do." I agree. "What else is there to talk about?" Adalind asks.

"For one is he going to enter Black River territory?" Jax asks pointing at me. "Yes. In two weeks I'll visit her. I have to go to my palace and see about finding Darach. I already have someone on it but I can do it easier myself." I explain.

"Which means we need to talk about boundaries and protocols. You can't just enter without alerting someone before hand. I don't want a fight to break out." Jax reveals his concerns.

"Agreed. I can schedule a visit at least a day before I arrive. I will not ask for permission to see my one. I can let you know I'm comes but that is the extent of that courtesy i will grant." I state my side.

"That sounds fine to me. I just don't want any of my pack members fed on." Cameron says walking in. I guess he was listening in. "Dont worry I have no interest in eating wolves." I say.

"Fine. Am I to expect more vampires in my pack?" Cameron asks. "Yes. His name is Jasper. Adalind needs to be able to control all her abilities. She is struggling with the mind dive and she doesn't have much time to master all her abilities. Jasper specializes in teaching vampires their abilities. He can help her more than I can." I answer.

"So you won't be teaching me anymore?" Adalind asks sadly. "I will still help but Jasper can get you were you need to be better than I." A part of being a king is knowing your strengths and what you can and cannot do. Do I want to be the one to teach her this, yes but I know I cannot so I have put it in Jasper's hands.

We discuss more of how we should proceed in the future with each other. We all have one understanding we are only doing this for Adalind and only Adalind. She is the bridge between our worlds.

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