Chapter 18 His Past

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POV: Aiden

2,000 years ago....

It's dark. I've made camp in the woods. I'm on my way to the nearest village. My village was burned down by soldiers due to the current war. I barely made it out alive. My family unfortunately did not. My mother was captured my one of the soldiers as a prize. My father tried to stop him unfortunately resulting in his death.

I have no idea where my mother is now. All I know is I had to run and get out of there. Fire blazed everywhere. Screams could be heard miles away. Blood stains the ground. Some got out while most did not.

I have no wife or children. My father was a swords smith and so am I. My mother was a seamstress. Now I am alone. The soldiers use my mother now for their own pleasures. I was a coward to just run and not protect her from this fate.

The sound of a twig snapping is heard close by. I grab my sword looking around ready to attack. Suddenly this ghost like glowing woman appears before me. "Hello my child." She speaks. Her voice is calming. She is dressed in a white flowing gown. "Who are you? What are you demon?" I can only reason this must be some kind of magic.

"I am no demon my child. My name is Selene. I am the moon goddess." She answers. By the gods. Why would one of the gods reveal themselves to me? I'm nothing special.

"Aiden I need you to do something for me. It is impairative that it be done." She says. "What shall I do?" I ask. "I need you to travel to the dark wood. There you will find a man named Silas."

"What am I to do when I find this man?" I ask. "When you find him he will know why you are there. However he will fight you. He doesn't want this to happen. Use this leaf to put him to sleep."

"How do I do this? What would I do after?" I ask confused. "Ground the leaf up to a powder and blow it in his face. He will sleep but not for very long. You will only have twenty minutes."

"What happens once he's asleep?" I ask. She hands me a dagger. "Once he is asleep you will drain him of blood and drink his blood. Once you have done this plunge the dagger into his heart. Then you will slice your throat with the same dagger and die. "

She wants me to die. "Oh great moon goddess is this punishment for letting the soldiers take my mother. I'm sorry I am such a coward." I say kneeling at her feet. "Please stand up my child. You have done nothing wrong. You will not die. You will be reborn." She says.

"Why me? What will I become?" I ask with fear. "All will become clear soon. Beware of a darkness that lurks in the dark wood. He is quite tricky."

What is this darkness? Little did I know then that this would be the day that darkness and death would forever follow me.

The moon goddess fades away. I am now left alone by the fire in the dark woods. The very next day I do just as the goddess told me to do. It was a three days journey to the dark wood.

You could feel a darkness lurking around but could see nothing around but half dead trees. There was a cave. I entered the cave for shelter only to find this man. His skin was pale. Eyes dark as night with black long hair.

He knew why I was there and he did put up a fight. Luckily I was able to get the leaf powder and knock him out. I did just as told. I was grossed out by having to drink his blood but did as the goddess commanded of me.

The blood actually had a sweetness to it. I did it all step by step. I felt sick to my stomach to kill him. I've never killed a man before.

When I awoke I was still in that same cave. The man was still there. The only other thing alive that was there was a dark cloaked figure. "This is only the beginning." The cloaked figure whispers and disappear in thin air.

I will later know that figure to be Darach. The goddess then appears to me again. "You have done well my child. It is now night fall. You will now travel to the silver river. Follow it and you will find a man named Garalt. He will explain all. He is expecting you."

"What am i?" I ask her. "A vampire my child. Garalt will explain it all to you." She answers and disappears again.

I once again do as im told. When the day came the sun hurt my skin. The longer I was in it the more painful it became. I found shelter in a dark spot to shield myself from the sun.

It took me ten days to find and follow the river until I found this person. There I learned everything. It took an entire year for me to learn and handle my abilities.

The first thing I did was find my mother. She was in a brothel. I saved her and took her away from there. Second thing I did was took over one of the kingdoms single handedly. Garalt told me that being king of that kingdom was my destiny.

This was how the vampire kingdom was born. My mother was well taken care of. She died of plague years a few years later. I could have turned her to save her but I did not want to leave her with this curse of mine.

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