Chapter 26 Food

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POV: Aiden

Adalind just went bed. She was tired from traveling. I have a lot to do. I didn't even think of food for her. Vampires don't really eat human food. We can but it does nothing for us so we don't. Adalind has to feed all parts of herself so she has to have food.

Her diet is different but I can adjust thing around to work for her. She didn't like how dark and grey the palace is. To be honest I never noticed but now that she's pointed it out I can't help but see it. I guess it is a little stereotypical.

Maybe I can have the walls painted or something. I'm not sure what color she would like. I know she likes pink. Could I see myself letting the walls in my palace being pink. For her I would do it but I'm not sure how everyone else would like that. I don't have very many people that live in the palace.

There are only my council and some guards or soldiers. We don't need a lot for our life styles to work. Adalind's is a little more complicated. She is no ordinary Vampire. She's a Hybrid. A born vampire. Born vampires are rare. There has been cases where vampires have procreated with another vampire but not many.

A born Vampire can procreate without difficulty. I suppose if any vampire truly wanted to a child they could. It would just be difficult and take many tries. I would imagine it'd be easier for a male than a female for obvious reasons. There are dhampirs around. They are half human half vampire. They happen more often then any vampire would care to admit. They have some vampire traits but are mostly just human. Most have a vampire father and the mother is human.

The palace does have a kitchen. We normally only use it when we have other specie guest that require food. I could have the kitchen stocked with food for Adalind. I need to find out what she likes though besides pizza, and chocolate. I could have her write up a list of things to get.

After tomorrow Jasper will continue her lessons. Jasper believes she is ready to attempt the mind dive now. I tried but she wasn't getting it. When I was learning I learned the mind dive before compulsion. I guess each one has there own little ways of learning. There was one thing I didn't try with her in teaching her the mind dive.

You can do it one of three ways. The first is by eye contact. This is when you stare right in to a persons eyes look past their eyes almost into their soul. The second is through touch. Most of the time its the head but you can do it anywhere on the body. The third is the one I didn't do and thats for a number of reasons.

The third is through feeding. Physically feeding from someone. One, I haven't seen her control in Physically feeding right from the vain. Two, blood sharing. I would volunteer but that opens a whole other can of worms.

Blood sharing is very intimate. She is part wolf. When wolves have a mate they mark them by biting them. If she did feed on me she would mark me as her mate. I personally don't like that term but I know that's the term she prefers. I noticed how Andrea avoided the word knowing I don't like it. They are trying and so am I. I'm getting used to the term.

Once she marked me it would be the beginning stages of her mate bond and complete the one bond. That is how a vampires one bond is completed. You feed off of each other. Your blood becomes their blood. You become one. I'm not sure how she would feel about that. I doubt she is ready for that. The next step in her mate bond would be to mate and that is why I hate the term. Just say have sex.

It is so weird how wolves are word it. Like yeah I mated my mate. Just say you had sex with you mate or wife or girlfriend. Whatever you want to call it.

I'm dealing with two different cultures here and yet the two cultures come from the same origin. We come from the moon goddess and most from Greece. There's a reason pack ranks go by the Greek alphabet. Selene is one of the Greek gods.

Speaking of Greece I do still need to go. I want to see if I can find Darach there. That is if I can find it. I haven't been there since I was first turned. The world has changed. I don't even know if it would still be there anymore.

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