Chapter 25 Dark Palace

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POV: Adalind

Last night we had a family dinner. Uncle Liam and aunt Maddison joined us. Aunt Maddison is Uncle Liam's mate. Dad won the race and literally carried Uncle Liam all the way to the packhouse. Uncle Liam thought he suddenly went mad.

We all said our goodbyes this morning. Aiden took me to an airport and we boarded his private jet. I've never been on a plane before. I was very nervous. Aiden held my hand the whole time.

Now we have landed and are in a car. "So are you going to tell me now where we are?" I ask. "No. You will see when we get there." Aiden says. I think he just likes to watch me squirm.

Jasper is riding in the passenger side and Randell is driving. I met Randell when they were at the pack. Aiden said he was his right hand. I equivalated that to being like his beta in wolf terms. Jasper is one of his advisors. He does give good advice though.

I watch out the window looking at all the new unfamiliar buildings and the snow fall passing by. I must have fallen asleep because next thing I know is I'm being shaken awake. "Adalind wake up. We are here." Aiden shakes me again. I open my eyes looking around. "Hmm? Where are we?" I ask.

I can see a huge building. "Welcome to Maine Adalind. This is my palace." I'm in Maine! I am very far from home. Aiden holds his hand out for me to hold. I place my hand in his and he squeezes my hand slightly.

We go inside out of the snow. The interior is very dark of different shades of gray. It has a very dark and gloomy vibe. I follow Aiden as he walks with our hand intertwined. The whole place just has this depressing feel to it. I don't like it. Talk about stereotypical vampires. Thats what this place looks like on the inside. On the outside it didn't look like it would be like this.

"Where are you taking me now?" I ask. "I thought I'd show you your room first and let you get settled." He says. "OK." I hope it's not all grey like the rest of the place. I'm not trying to be mean or complain but this is sad. It makes me feel sad. "Are you ok?" Aiden ask.

"Yeah. I'm just noticing all the saddening grey around." I admit. He looks around like he's never noticed before. "You don't like it?"

Why did he have to ask that? "It's not that I don't like it. It just seems very stereotype. Very dark vibes here." I admit trying to be nice. He chuckles. "You don't have to pretend. If you don't like it just say so. No big deal. Just a color." He says.

"I'm don't want to seem like that person that finds something wrong in everything." I say. "Your not. The reason for it being so dark is because most vampires prefer the dark. There won't be many windows around and the ones that are will be covered in curtains."

"Because of the sun. It don't really have that problem to much." I say. "You don't feel the sun?" He asks. "I do. It's just not as bad. It's more like a dull headache." I explain. He nods.

We walk through a hall with a lot of people in it. I move closer to Aiden. I've never been around so many vampires before.

We turn the corner of the hallway and go down a little further to a door. Aiden opens it. At least the walls are white and not grey. Brightens it up.

Its actually not bad. It's beautiful. A huge window ceiling to floor covered in deep red curtains. There is a canopy queen sized bed with deep red bedding. "This is your room. Mine is just down the hall." Aiden says.

"It's nice." I look around. "Do the curtains open?" I ask. "Yes you can open them but just in here. Don't open curtains in the daytime anywhere else here." He says. I nod opening them. The sun isn't too bad today because of the snow. I've never really seen snow before. Not in real life anyway.

"Does it snow here a lot?" I ask. "Yes and rain." He answers. I sit on the bed. A knock is heard from the door and Aiden answers it. Someone brought my bags up. "Do vampires eat food that isn't blood because i do." I ask. I'm getting a little hungry but not blood hungry. They are two different feelings. "Not typically but I guess you do due to your wolf side. I'm sorry I didn't even think of that. Are you hungry now?" He says.

"It's fine but yes I am." What am I going to do about food now. I feel like no matter where I go my dietary requirements are always an issue. Why can't I just eat and it not be a problem.

He looks like he's thinking. "I could just order a pizza or do they do that here?" I ask. "I'm not really familiar but I would assume so." Aiden answers. "Let's find out then." I pull my phone out looking up the nearest pizza place and order one.

Thirty minutes later I have a pizza in front of me. "So can vampires eat or is it like a twilight situation?" I ask. "Whats a twilight situation?" He asks. I laugh. I explain how vampires are in twilight. "You know we should watch it so you can better understand." I say. "No think you. I already know I'm going to hate it the second you said they sparkle like someone poured a gallon of glitter over them."

"Hey don't be hating on twilight ok. At least my team won and got the girl." Yes I was always team Edward. "There are teams now?" I explained the teams to him. It would be so much easier if he would just watch the movie.

"I'm not watching that but to answer your question. No its not like your twilight thing. Vampires can eat human food but its more for pleasure. Vampires drink alcohol more than anything else. It cuts the cravings." I wish I knew that before. "Tsk. If I knew that I could have used that as an excuse and not got in trouble." I complain.

"I didn't think wolves were that stingy about drinking under age." Aiden comments. "Most aren't but dad is and especially when it comes to me all because I'm a girl and different. I had a different set of rule. Cam did it and all he got was a slap on the wrist." I explain. Werewolves and lycans have a high tolerance for alcohol. It's  ery hard to get drunk. In fact I don't think I've ever been drunk before.

"I imagine you had very strict rules growing up. Rule purposely directed towards you and no one else." I can't believe he actually got that. "Wow I wasn't expecting you to get that."

"It's not hard to figure out. Your very easy to read. Though there are times where you shut down and become blocked off." Yeah I get that from my mom. "When is the rest of my things coming?" I ask changing the subject.

"Tomorrow morning. I will give you the tour tomorrow. Do you need anything?" He asks. "No but I am tired." I yawn. "OK well lay down and get some sleep." He says. "OK but I want to take a shower first." I say. He points to the bathroom door. I have my own bathroom. I grab my stuff from the bags that I brought with me on the plane and take a shower.

Once I'm all done I dry off and put on some comfortable clothes. I now wear some pink sleep shorts and a white long sleeve shirt. I put some pink fuzzy socks on and come out the bathroom. Aiden is there waiting for me. I am tired.

I pull back the covers on the bed and lay down. Aiden pulls the covers over me tucking me in. He kisses my lips and turns the light off for me and leaves the room so I can sleep.

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