Ch. 23 Chocolate

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POV: Adalind

I wake up alone in Cameron's room. Normally he has someone wait in here until I wake up. I do my morning routine. I shower and get dressed and ready for the day. Once I'm done I go to the kitchen for breakfast.

I just pour a quick bowl of cereal this morning. While I'm in the middle of eating Aiden appears with Jasper. I suddenly don't know what to do or how to act. He's here. "Sire I believe you have rendered her speechless." Jasper says.

"Shut up. I'm eating." I say. "Good morning Adalind." Aiden says. "Good morning." I say back finishing my cereal. "When did you get here?" I ask. I know he said it would be late.

"Around midnight. How did you sleep?" Aiden asks. "Fine." I answer. "Adalind you away yet?" Cameron mindlinks. "Yeah. I'm in the kitchen with Aiden and Jasper. What's up?" I answer.

"Mom and Dad will be here in a few hours with Tate. Grandma and grandpa are coming over in a little bit." Cam informs me. "OK. Where were you this morning?" I ask.

"I had a border issue that needed to be dealt with this morning." He answers. "Anything bad?" I ask worried. "Nothing to worry about."

A hand is waving in front of my face. "What?" I ask. It's Aiden. "You spaced out for a minute there." He says. What? "No I didn't. Cameron had mindlinked me. We were talking." I explain. Aiden nods his head. "Let me know when mom and dad are here ok. I'll talk to you later." I end the link.

"Cam was just telling me that my parents and brother are coming. Also my grandparents will be over later." I say. "Yeah I know your parents are on their way. I talked to Jax. They want to see you before you leave." Aiden explains. That's right. He's taking me away.

"When are we going?" I ask. "In the morning tomorrow." He answers. "How far away is it?" I ask. "On the other side of the country. I can keep you safer there."

Thats far away from home. I'm leaving home and I might not be coming back. The realization hits hard. It's funny how you want something so bad and then when it actually happens your not so sure about it anymore.

"Adalind are you ok?" Aiden asks. "Yeah. I just realized how far from home I'll be. I can't just go home anymore." I admit. "Dont worry you can always go back anytime you want. You can visit." He says.

"Are we doing lessons today?" Jasper asks. "Yes. She needs as much practice as she can get." Aiden answers. Maybe I'll be lucky today and be able to do it this time.

"Is Cameron free now? From what I understand today will be quite busy." Jasper asks. I hold up a finger and mindlink Cam asking him. "He said to give him ten more minutes." I say.

We go to the game room since that's normally where we start. Aiden went to go answer a few phone calls. I'm glad he did because he was distracting. Cameron comes and we get started.

"OK no chicken dance this time ok." He says. I roll my eyes. "Fine." I do everything I always do. "Do the hokey pokey." I say and he does. It's getting easier to do it. It's like I don't have to push so hard to do this. Jas tell me to end it and I let go.

"Now try it on someone else." I practice on someone in the game room that's playing video games. It all went through easily. "Now let's make Cameron tell you something."

Last time I all most had it. "Tell me if you were really at school or with that girl all day." I say. "Like... of course I was with her and skipped school." I did it! I let go. "Damn it! Remember anything I said you don't tell dad." Cameron says.

"Shall we try again." Jasper says. "OK let's do this." I say. Cameron rolls his eyes challenging me. "Tell me where you hide the good cookies." Cameron likes to hide the oreos so no one else can get any. "... in the back of the top shelf cabinet." There was a slight resistance but in went through.

"Again. You were close to no delay or resistance." Jasper instructs. "Tell me who ate my last brownie." I say. "Dad did." I gasp. Dad ate it. He totally blamed it on Cameron and Tate.

I let go. "How are we doing?" Aiden asks. "She did good. No delay. No resistance. Her strength is growing faster than I enticipated it to." Jasper answers. "Feel free to get dad for that last one. He put that on us and you get very angry when some one steals your chocolate. You almost stabbed me once." Cameron says.

"Well keep your paws off my stuff." I tell him. That's what he gets. Jasper and Aiden look at us. Aidens eyebrow is arched. "What?" I ask shrugging. I'm not going to apologize for that. "You would really stab someone over a chocolate bar?" Jasper asks. "Yes Jas I would. Take mine and find out." I say.

"Oh there you two are. See Linda i told you they would be in the game room. Haven raised them in the game room." Grandpa say coming in the room. "Hey grandpa." I greet smiling.

"Hello sweetheart. Cameron." Grampa says. "Hey gramps. Hey grandma. Please tell me you brought an oreo cheesecake with you?" Cameron says. Grandma always brings baked goodies with her. "I did. You asked for one and you shall receive. I also made Adalind some triple chocolate turtle Carmel brownies." Grandma answers.

"Where are they. I can't wait to have one in my mouth." I say. "In the kitchen dear." I walk right in the kitchen and grab one. "I see chocolate is more important than anything or anyone else that you ignore them." Aiden says. "Awe mate is jealous. He's silly being jealous of a brownie." Andrea says.

He did sound jealous. "If I didn't know any better I'd say you sounded jealous of a brownie." I tease. "Well I guess it's a good thing you know better then." He says. "Oh gross. Please don't flirt in here. Not around the food." Cameron says disgusted. Is that what we were doing? Flirting?

"Shut up! The amount of times I've walked in on you making out with some random girl. That was gross." I say. Grandpa chuckles at us. "So who is this?" Grandma asks referring to Aiden. "This is Aiden. He's my mate but he doesn't like that term. He prefers one or whatever." I introduce.

"Pleasure to meet you." Aiden says politely. "Yes. You too." Granpa says. We all talk for a while. Later Cameron and Grandpa went to do some pack stuff. Grandma is helping the omegas in the kitchen. Jasper went to do whatever it is that he does. That leaves me alone with Aiden.

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