Ch. 14 Added prophecy

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POV: Jax

I am so mad. Haven came to me telling me to stop yelling at Adalind. She called Haven. I had to scent Haven to calm down. Haven is still the same person she always has been except when it comes to her kids. She gets mean. She will even tell me off.

A guard informed me that a vampire was at the estate with Adalind. I mindlinked her asking her what was going on and why a vampire was on my territory. She got a little snappy with that one say she is a vampire.

Thats when I got pissed. She kept playing around as to why this vampire was there so I alpha ordered her. Thats when it came out. Her mate. I already she found her mate. I saw the whole encounter in a vision but she lied to me and I respected her. I figured she would tell us in her own time.

Apparently they have now excepted each other now. The fucking vampire king Aiden Vandomir. I know I'm being hard on her but it is for her own protection. I was always afraid of what would happen had she explored her vampire side. Ash and I have had many disagreements on this one.

He thinks I shouldn't get in her way and its not fair to her. I agree with everything he has said but I have a kingdom to think about and what if the vampires decides to claim her as their own.

I know that I have fucked this all up. I'm glad that she has her mate. Am I happy about it being a vampire? No but if he makes her happy then I can over look it.

Haven and I are on our way to see her. I was going to the her out of school but Haven talked me out of it. She said to let her make her own mistakes and live her life. She wants me to treat her as I would Cameron and Tate.

She's my baby girl. It was easy with Cam to let him go. Tate is still at home. Adalind has been hard to let go. I can't. I'm afraid that once I let her go she will never come back. My grip on her has always been so tight.

I never wanted this to happen between the two of us. Now I have to just give her away.

Haven has a message for them both. This has to do with Adalind's destiny. I feel like I know what it is and it will not go over well with a lot of people. A war might come to pass. I am no mood to wage a war against my own daughter.

"Hey Adalind." I link her. "Yeah dad?" She responds. I didn't think she would. "I'm sorry. I should t have said those things. I am happy you found your mate. I knew you lied already. I had a vision."

"I'm sorry daddy. I was afraid of what you would do. I was so excited about being here that I didn't want to ruin it. He came around though."

"Yeah? How did that go?" I ask. "Can we talk about it when you get here." She yawns in the mindlink. "OK. Well be there in two hours so take a nap and I'll wake you when we get there." I tell her. She doesn't respond after that.

"Pup will be ok. Mate will beat us if she's not." Ash says. Yes she will. My baby will do anything for her kids even Cameron.

We drive the rest of the way stopping only once for gas. A guard informs me that Aiden is still in the house. I thank him and Haven and I head inside. We find them both asleep on the couch. Adalinds head is laying on his lap.

Aidens eyes pop open suddenly. Haven shakes Adlind awake. I don't take my eyes off the vampire for a second. "Hmm? Mom?" Adalind wakes sitting up. "Hey my honey. How was your nap? Do you need anything?" I shake my head at Haven. She always does that with the kids when she wakes them or anything. She takes care of them no matter what.

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